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The last feature in this section of the park is a large cage in the shape of a small outhouse.  This did used to be an aviary where one of Ur-Carnosa's wealthier and more eccentric nobles used to keep rare and exotic birds.  The SUCCUFAIRIES have turned it into a home and many can be seen flitting around inside.

The player has the choice to enter and while the number of SUCCUFAIRIES buzzing around inside might seem intimidating, as with most of the SUCCUFAIRIES, only a few are bold enough to take on a 'hero' directly.


A tricky fight as there are three of them.  If the player wins, all the other SUCCUFAIRIES will have flown away and they'll have the aviary to themselves.  A search will turn up treasure and items, but also one of KEY ITEMs for the gate to the BOSS ALRAUNE.


Past the lawns is a pretty rock garden feature.  SUCCUFAIRIES buzz around the rocks and circle the slab at the top, where there seems to be an item that they regard with some reverence.  Could this be one of the KEY ITEMs for the gate to the BOSS ALRAUNE?

The player can investigate by climbing up the small mound.  Most of the SUCCUFAIRIES are weak and will fly off rather than engaging the player.  Two will stand firm at the top to protect their 'shrine'.


A regular SUCCUFAIRY fight.  While there doesn't appear to be much vegetation, they can still summon vines up out of the ground to tangle the player.

If the player defeats them they will find some sort of treasure on top of the slab.  It's not one of the KEY ITEMs but it might be either valuable or a useful weapon/consumable.


Something is definitely not right with this flowerbed.  The usual vegetation has been replaced with an overgrown mass of lewd and vulgar plant life.  The lurid pink and red flowers have an unseemly resemblance to female genitals.

It's also relatively harmless.  The scents and appearance will trigger a mild AROUSAL increase, but unless it peaks the player AROUSAL, the player can walk past without any ill effects.

If it does peak the player's AROUSAL they will be compelled to ejaculate into one of the lewd flowers.  If this is the last ejaculation or reduces the player's HEALTH to 0, the BOSS ALRAUNE will show up to suck out all of the player's 'juices'.


The flowers in the yellow and orange flowerbed look more like flowers rather than vulgar shapes that resemble human sex organs.  Unfortunately, it is not without hazards.  A pair of SUCCUFAIRIES will flitter out and attack the player.


Their double-team options will mostly be about one trying to get the vegetation to bind the player while the other everts her vagina around the player's dick.


The lawn has a prominent 'Do Not Walk On The Grass' sign.

This will be shown to the player before the option to go this way.

If the player ignores it and cuts across the lawn, they'll get about halfway across before their feet get tangled up in long strands.  Attempting to pull free will see the player fall flat on their face.

At this point a minor manifestation of the BOSS ALRAUNE will rise up out of the lawn.  She'll taunt the player as an unseen receptable sucks in the player's cock and pumps an ejaculation out of them.

Effectively, they're humping the lawn.

After that, the strands of grass will retract and the player freed.

Unless it's the last ejaculation or the HEALTH loss is enough to drop the player to zero.  At which point longer strands will grow over the player and they'll slowly sink into the lawn while having all their life essence pumped out of them.


On the left side of the park and just before the lake is a well-cultivated section of neat lawns and flowerbeds.  Surprisingly, the lawns still look perfectly tended, although the flowerbeds appear to have been taken over by a lurid and obscene type of flower.

Beyond the lawns the player can see some sort of structure.  There is also a rock garden on a mound with something glinting on the rock slab at the top.

The paths follow a grid structure around the immaculately tended lawns and pass by dense flower beds.  The player can follow the path around to the left, passing a flowerbed filled with yellow and orange flowers, go to the right, passing a flowerbed of pink and purple flowers, or ignore the path completely and cut across the lawn.


At the leftmost side of the park an artificial waterfall fills the lake with water.  As with all games and waterfalls, there is a cave behind it for the player to explore.

(They will have also been pointed in this direction by the fairies at the puzzle gate entrance to the sylvan theatre.)

The cave is fairly small.  One of the KEY ITEMs for the puzzle gate can be found on top of a rock plinth at the back of the cave.

It's also a trap.  As soon as the player picks up the KEY ITEM, the BOSS ALRAUNE blocks the entrance with vines and then uses one of her big flowers to fill the cave with poison aphrodisiac fumes.  They're extremely potent in the combined space.  Unless the player has picked up a helpful item or protective charm (depending on overall game mechanics), they're going to be coming helplessly in one of the BOSS ALRAUNE's special flowers.

As with all her traps, the BOSS ALRAUNE will only take one ejaculation before opening the cave back up again to let the player out again.


The left side of the lake is rocky and landscaped into a water feature.  This has since become overgrown with the BOSS ALRAUNE's corrupt vegetation.

If the player wants to cross while avoiding the bridge and lake gazebo, there is a stepping stone puzzle they can use to get to the other side.  However, stepping on the wrong 'stone' will reveal it to be a well-camouflaged and very flimsy leaf.  The player will fall into the water, where they will sucked off by one of the BOSS ALRAUNE's bladderwort dick traps.  As with wading in the previous entry, the ejaculation is unavoidable, but the player will be able to get free and out of the water afterwards.

(Unless they run out of HEALTH, in which case they get a sexy BAD END where the BOSS ALRAUNE shows up and teases the player while her bladderwort sucker pumps out all their cum, and then life and free will.)


Backtracking to the central lake and it is shallow enough for the player to wade into.  There will be points where the player might end up in the water.  Either to avoid crossing by another feature (bridge, trapped stepping stones) or a trap.

The main trap is the glint of something shiny visible on the bottom of the lake.  The player can wade out to investigate.  The water is cold, but the BOSS ALRAUNE has plenty of warm and comfy bladderwort suckers to suck a cock in.  This is an inescapable ejaculation.  Once a bladder has pulled in a cock, it will quickly suck an ejaculation out of the player.

Unlike Burbalka in HoHH, the BOSS ALRAUNE will release the player's cock after an ejaculation.  However, if they've waded too deep, they will likely be caught again.

For the glinting treasure trap, the player will be got once on the way towards it.  They can back off for no cost or continue.  If they continue they will find a bit of gold (the BOSS ALRAUNE has no use for it aside from bait).  They will get trapped again wading back to shore though.

For a first blind run, the treasure probably isn't worth giving up 2 'ejaculation lives'.  On subsequent playthroughs it might be worth it if the player is confident they can avoid giving ejaculations to the other traps.


This is the large and impressive pavilion the player might have seen from various vantage points in the park.  The main body of the BOSS ALRAUNE is waiting inside.

It's relatively quick and easy to reach.  The player can get here right away by following the central path and using the bridge to cross the lake.  On the other side of the lake, the path continues between the hedge maze and wooded area.  Following that route, the only hazard the player will encounter is the trap in the lake gazebo.

This is intentional on the part of the BOSS ALRAUNE.  The way into the sylvan theatre is blocked by a puzzle that requires several key items.  A pair of helpful SUCCUFAIRIES will point the player in the direction of where to find them (centre of the hedge maze, near the waterfall, in an aviary colonised by SUCCUFAIRIES, the overgrown folly in the wooded region).  This will, of course, require the player going back on themselves to find them (unless they explored on the way and found some of them beforehand).

This is where gameplay and story have nice integration.  All of this faffing around is intentional on the part of BOSS ALRAUNE.  She doesn't want to bar heroes from reaching her, but she does want to weaken them first.  One way to do this is to send them to all corners of the park.  That way they're likely to trigger all of her erotic traps, rather than just the ones on whichever route the hero took to reach her.

This also extends to the puzzle the player needs to solve with the key items.  This will intentionally be a bit shit (probably just combinatorial trial-and-error).  The reason being the BOSS ALRAUNE gets to blast the player with more aphrodisiac pollen every time the player gets it wrong (and suck more ejaculations out of them).

At some point the player should realise it's the BOSS ALRAUNE creating an internal (and unfair) game rather than part of the overall game.  At this point they might think it's time to seek an alternative way in...



What's the "bratty succubus" going to be like? A spoiled and arrogant Barbie, MEH? Or she going to be an egotistical mean girl?


Closer to mean girl, but not quite. She's clearly a weaker succubus, so lacks the control and sophistication of a more powerful succubus. If she does get control (the player pretty much has to let her) the player will get the typical mean girl succubus Bad End drain. Otherwise the scenario is played more for comic relief as she screws up. She's meant to balance out the more powerful and deadly harlots, and show they're not all OP killers.