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It's another big meeting hall, just off from the main entrance hall.  The room looks like it's been in a war.  Furniture is smashed and the debris strewn across the floor.  The floor itself looks very unstable.  Some of the floorboards are broken and there's nothing underneath but darkness.

Of more interest is the big egg attached to the far wall.

(Unless the player took too long, in which case a lovely BUG DAUGHTER will be waiting to greet him.)

The floor is worse than unstable.  A successful spot check or the player choosing to examine it in more detail will reveal that some of the wooden sections are only held in place by slender threads.

Parts of the floor are in fact a trap.  Should the player charge across to reach the egg, the floor will give way and they will fall through into a mass of webbing.

This is an instant GAME OVER.  The player will fall into a silken web and get tangled up.  They will then be swarmed by a lot of BUG GIRLs and be subjected to a sexy BAD END as the BUG GIRLs take their time in draining them.

Checking beforehand will enable the player to find a stable path to the egg around the sides of the room.


A large entrance hall, now in disrepair.  Everywhere is festooned with silk.  The hall is empty, although the player does hear buzzing sounds from above.  There is an impressive metal door at the back that might have been some kind of vault.  It has two locks on either side of the door.  One key is already in the lock.  The left key is missing.  You'll need both to open the door.

There are two doorways leading to rooms on the left and right.  A stone staircase leads up to the next level.

A search will turn up various bits of low-level loot.


The admin building is the imposing building at the back of the compound.  This would have been where the merchants guild or ruling elites would have had their people to monitor the goods coming in and out, and of course take their cut of taxes.

(I think.  While I did some research, I'm not a historian and this is a fun porn game in a fantasy world.  I'm just trying to enough to make the world seem vaguely plausible.)

The building is quite well fortified.  There is a heavy studded front door which is locked.

The key can be found in the upstairs area of the large warehouse.

The ladder isn't long enough to reach the roof or 3rd floor windows.  The lower floor windows are boarded up and inaccessible.

If the player steps back and examines the front of the building, movement will catch their attention in one of the upstairs windows.  The face of one of the roaming NPCs (maybe a ninja or rogue type) will briefly glance down at them.

The window on the other side will also be of interest.  If the player passes a spot check, they will notice one of the eggs glued up in the angle of wall and ceiling.  If the player is good with a bow, they can shoot and destroy the egg with fire arrows.

This is the only way to get at this egg.  Once they enter the building and make their way up to that floor, they will find the entrance to that side room completely blocked.


The last room is a large fancy office that must have been used by the owner of the building.  There is a big imposing desk and a fancy chair with a cocooned husk sitting in it.  You don't get much time to take in the room as a frisky BUG GIRL immediately attacks you.


After the fight there's a fair bit of furnishings and other things to investigate.  The husk on the chair was a fairly rich merchant, so the player will find some treasure on him.  In the crumbling bookcase might be a magic book or two.  There will probably also be other treasure in the cupboards.

Of most interest is a drawer on the table as that has the key to the admin building.


The first room has lost its door.  It's a narrow room that looks like it was once used for record keeping.  There is an egg at the back (or newly hatched BUG DAUGHTER).

Depending on the game mechanics, this could be a good location for a magic scroll type loot.


Placing a ladder allows you to climb up onto the roof of the large warehouse.  The upper right corner of the roof has collapsed.  Examining it, you see you can make your way down to the floor below.

This is the way to access to upper floor of the large warehouse.


You place a ladder next to the 4th small warehouse and climb up on the roof.  The egg is over by the far corner.

Unless the player took too long, in which case it will have hatched into a BUG DAUGHTER.


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