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I prepped this one in advance and so can actually release it early.

This is another small update that just adds one new harlot to the House.

New Harlot: Hati Krim
Hati Krim is the cream massage harlot.  She has a more unusual - alien - appearance, but gives a very sensual massage with her special cream.  She's intended as a late Tier 1 in terms of difficulty (rounds 4-6ish), so should be relatively easy to survive.

If you haven't kept up with the recent posts and were expecting Eve Satana, currently I'm having problems with the Twine Editor because of the size of the project.  There are ways to break up Twine projects and recombine them to form a release, so this isn't a terminal problem, but I'll be portioning the releases out as small updates until I fix it.  Eve Satana requires a code change to have the player go to somewhere else other than the harlot's room, and the Twine Editor is too laggy to risk doing that at the moment.

Essentially, expect small updates for the first half of the year while I resolve this and also make time to catch up on short story writing.  Once I'm through that period I want to throw everything at HoHH and try and get most of it finished in the 2nd half of the year.  So please be patient.  I'll try to put out a new release every month with at least one new harlot, and then speed up once I have more time free.

In the meantime, have fun with Hati Krim!

(and let me know if you run into any bugs or other problems.)


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