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After a slight loss of focus I've got things moving again.

The good news is that there will be a HoHH release this month.  I'm still concerned about the editor dying at any moment, but I was able to implement Cream Massage Harlot (she now has a name - Hati Krim) and prepare a release.  That will go out on the last day of the month as usual.

Fungal Dress Harlot was a little awkward to type up, but that's been done now.  She has a name - Lady Flumpth.  I'm midway through implementing her and looking to prepare her in advance as February's release.

1st draft writing is still dragging a little.  Artificial Pitcher Plant Harlot is finally written and I've started Soapy Pitcher Plant Harlot, but overall progress there is a little slow.

The reason for wanting to queue up the releases in advance is I don't know how long it will take to reorganise the project with Tweego so the Twine Editor becomes usable again.  I pretty much have Jan and Feb covered, and I've also got 3 harlot scenarios written and banked for future months, so the plan is to keep putting out releases (as the Twine Editor allows) while sorting that out.

Next week will likely be split between continuing to write the next batch of harlots, rewriting H-space stories, and more research on what I need to do to reorganise the project to solve the Editor issues.

Thanks for the support.
- manyeyedhydra



Ok cool. I thought you were going to implement Eva Santana, but I got a bit lost from all your Sex Dungeon posting. I'm excited for the harlots and it's cool your bringing back the H Space stories. I'd highly recommend you bring back the Red Lips Succubus. She was not only awesome, but she is hella OP at how she can paralyze multiple humans at once. Is she using magic to freeze men in place?


Eve Satana needs a code change to handle scenarios that don't take place in the harlot's room (it happens downstairs in the bar). The Twine Editor is behaving a little too flaky for me to do that at the moment. She is pretty much typed up and ready.


Awesome, so are you thinking of bringing back Red Lips Succubus? Also will it be like in the Biggest Tits story where everyone is watching the dude bang Eva on stage? I thought that was hot :D


I was wondering, at the introduction there's a harlot called Temptacia, will she be implemented in the near future?


Yup. Eva will be doing the player on stage (although, the House being the House, most of the audience will likely be distracted by whichever harlot they're socialising with). Red Lips story is probably an easy one to revamp. I'm trying to get HoHH temporarily squared away so I can a two week period of blitzing the old H-space stories.


Yep. She'll likely be the first of the 'mini-boss' harlots to be written. They are special harlots that show up round 5 and 9 and have multiple scenario options. Temptacia will likely be similar to Succuba, but with more detailed sex scenes.


Ohh that sounds very nice, when do you think she'll be released?


Mid-2023 I'm hoping. Depends how long it takes to resolve the Twine Editor issues. The rough plan is to prepare the next batch of regular harlots, write the stories I need for the 7th collection while I'm releasing them, then really focus on HoHH to get the first lot of mini-bosses done and push the round count up to 9.