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This is a special event triggered if the player is too pushy in asking the RECEPTIONIST if he can see the succubus mistress.

The RECEPTIONIST takes the player to a fancy bedchamber and asks them to wait while the succubus mistress gets ready.  The room has a big soft bed and fine furniture.  The candles are impregnated with a potent aphrodisiac poison that increases the player's AROUSAL while they wait.

This is a trap.  The succubus is too wary to face the player directly so sends in her IMBUED WHORE minions instead.

Choices for this are to make it an unavoidable Game Over (with a sexy Bad End where the player has all their energy drained by too many IMBUED WHOREs to fight off), an unwinnable battle leading to that Game Over Bad End, or a really difficult battle against multiple ADV and REGULAR IMBUED WHOREs where the player won't win unless they use every special item and are lucky.

I'm leaning on making it a very hard but winnable battle and the player will be free to explore this floor if they somehow manage to survive.



I am a sucker for winnable, but not realistic, options in games. Knowing that you could, and even if the reward is only bragging rights, is all the sweeter.