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A simple kitchen area with stoves and a large wooden table.  You walk in on an authoritarian woman berating a younger woman.  She stops and turns to you as you enter.  Her demeanour changes and she favours you with a flirtatious smile.  She is wearing nice lingerie and jewellery, and looks to be a higher rank than the women you've seen previously.  She approaches you with lascivious intent while the other woman takes the opportunity to run away.


Technically a new monster type.  She has different 'attacks' than a regular IMBUED WHORE and more succubus magic.  Defeating her will allow the player to obtain the key item required to enter the locked door to the upstairs area in Room 010.



Hey MEH! I'm back on Patreon and fixed my card issue. I don't know why you cant just bonk these harlots in the head with your sword or warhammer. Where is your weapons, armor, and magic attacks?


Great to hear you fixed the card issue. Welcome back! Combat mechanics are to be filled in later. Goal of the #Dungeon23 exercise is just to create a "megadungeon" one room a day. If it ends up looking good, I might flesh it out into a full game, but I have to get HoHH and various other stuff completed first. If the game uses battlefuck for combat, then the in-universe explanation is that the lust daemons have saturated the city with succubus magic that causes the warrior types to drop everything and be compelled to have sex. Nothing is finalised on that yet though. I'll think about it more when it comes to fleshing it out properly.