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First weeks of the month are usually fairly scrappy as I use them to get various IRL tasks out of the way at the beginning of the month.

I finished typing up all of Mistress Eve Satana's sex scenes for HoHH.  Despite being ported across from an existing short story, her scenario is a little awkward.  I have to put a redirect in to indicate the player doesn't go to her room (the scene is carried out on a stage in the bar) and I also need another minor change to handle the condition for surviving her.  Neither of these should be particularly big or difficult changes, but I want to be cautious just in case.  I'll also type up Cream Massage Girl this month and implement her first.  That way, if I do run into unexpected difficulties changing some of the [pick harlot -> goto harlot room] code, I'll still have a release finished and locked in I can drop at the end of the month.  I don't envisage any problems, so that should mean both go out at the end of January in the v0.040 release.

The Fleshpot Girl scenario has suffered a little from being bounced around while I had to focus on getting the release out last week.  I really need to write those 'hot' ideas when they're hot, otherwise they start to drag.  Writing her has been a little stop-start, so I'm hoping to finally sit down and get her done this afternoon/evening.

On the plus side, in a similar fashion to what happened with the succufairies, working on her opened up new ideas for variant 'pitcher plant girls'.  One will take the last regular slot in the artificial beings faction, while the other feels a good fit for the sensuality faction.

This means I'll keep next week open again and work on what seems 'hot'.

I also did the setup to get the #SexDungeon23 ball rolling.  This is meant to be a fun exercise rather than a serious project.  I'll keep adding to that, one room a day.  Who knows, maybe it might be something that can be fleshed out into a full game later, but for now I'm just treating it as a fun exercise (and encourage other people to do the same - it's a lot easier to play around with things like this and 'oops, I now have a game' rather than going in hard at the start and burning out).

Anyway, I hope 2023 is panning out well for all of you.
- manyeyedhydra 


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