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This is something a little different, but don't worry, I'm not going to throw myself madly at yet another project.  I have enough on my plate with House of Hellish Harlots and other writing.  This is a fun exercise I saw mentioned on social media and, once this little bit of prep work is out of the way, will be nothing more than posting a paragraph before going to bed every night.

The #Dungeon23 challenge is about creating a 365-room megadungeon, one room a day, for a year.  It's mainly a TTRPG (eg Dungeons & Dragons) thing.  I'm not really a TTRPG guy, but I felt it would be a useful exercise for computer game development, and might also be useful for those of you out there that have ambitions to make your own games.

Me being me, I'm obviously going to totally pervert this challenge and make a depraved sextrap dungeon filled to the brim with horny succubi and other naughtiness.

Because I'm already hard at work on HoHH and other writing, I won't be going into too much detail on this.  Detailed background lore can be fleshed out later.  The same is true for the game mechanics.  The goal is to create a barebones (sex)dungeon.  

During the prep work, I did break that rule in trying to completely flesh out the background, and was punished for it with some vicious writer's block as I couldn't get the intro right at all.  This is why we're starting on the 4th January rather than the 1st!

The setting is a typical hive-of-scum-and-villainy cityport in an archetypal fantasy world.  However, in this particular hive-of-scum-and-villainy cityport, the whore's guild, thanks to some demonic assistance, crushed all the other guilds, enslaved the nobility and now run the whole place.  It's become infamous as a place where every imaginable (and some unimaginable) fleshy pleasure can be bought for coin.  It hides a darker secret as those lust demons that helped subvert and overthrow the city have settled in and made their home in various districts, and they seek other payments than coin...

Working name for the city is Ur-Carnosa.  In universe it's known as Ur-Carnosa, City of 10,000 Whores.  I might want to make this into a full game and sell it at some point, so it will probably be referred to as Ur-Carnosa, City of Succubi out-universe!

I even fleshed out some reasons for why you, the player character is there.  An idiot prince has gone missing within the bowels of the great whore city.  While you'd be fine in leaving the idiot to his fate, the politics of the situation are delicate.  He's the firstborn of the king's first wife, a queen of a neighbouring kingdom married to secure an alliance.  That queen died and the king's second wife is from a different neighbouring kingdom.  If the prince is not found and brought back, the first queen's kingdom will assume he was removed by a nefarious plot to put the other queen's offspring on the throne, and the whole region will descend into a messy war.

Because every good HRPG needs a hot succubus companion, the player will gain the assistance of a friendly blue-haired succubus on entering the city (any resemblance to a certain other blue-haired shapeshifting succubus will be purely... ahem... coincidental).  Her role will probably be lighter than other HRPGs.  She's there to get the player to the start of the dungeon and explain why the combat will be mostly about sex (depending on how battlefuck the combat mechanics end up).  After that she'll just pop in and out at various times to impart information.

So, pretty barebones.  Which is how it needs to be as, after getting this written, I don't want to get sucked too deep into this and have it take time away from HoHH and other writing.  A new room posted every day before I go to bed should be pretty manageable and not interfere with the other work.  It will also mean I can post more regularly here as I am concerned it can be a bit quiet aside from the regular releases at the end of the month.

Anyway, it seems a fun little challenge that might turn up something for later use.  I encourage people to put forward their own suggestions and ideas, or maybe even build their own mega(sex)dungeon.  I recommend using #SexDungeon23 as a hashtag rather than #Dungeon23 if you talk about it on social media.  We don't want to flood the poor TTRPG people with a lot of 18+ interpretations of the idea!

Because of one thing or another, I'm a little late starting.  I'll post the first four rooms later today and then switch to one-a-day from then on.

I look forward to seeing what other people come up with!


Zavijava (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-03 02:17:36 Awesome! Always love a nice dungeon :D Hope there's an ending where you marry the hot succubus companion <3
2023-01-04 16:09:26 Awesome! Always love a nice dungeon :D Hope there's an ending where you marry the hot succubus companion <3

Awesome! Always love a nice dungeon :D Hope there's an ending where you marry the hot succubus companion <3