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Merry Christmas!

It's also my regular update post day, so I thought I'd do that quickly before heading off to do the usual Christmas stuff.

Dancing Lamia
She's written and typed up.   The scenario comes to just over 5,000 words.  She's quite a contrast to her sister (Calliophi).

New Harlots
Continuing with working on the 1st drafts for the next batch of harlots, I've been working on a fleshpot pitcher-plant girl.  She's a little different to the usual interpretation as her pot is more fleshy rather than filled with fluids.  (She's quite adamant she's not carnivorous).  This is a straightforward Tier 3 scenario and has an open slot waiting for it.

Chaos Writing (H-space Bestiary)
In a typical chaotic moment, I was looking at some of my old H-space bestiary stories and suddenly had inspiration on how to flesh some of them out.  This is probably a useful example of chaos-writing, as I currently have about 35 short-short stories lying around I can't currently do anything with.  They need bulking up with some additional character and lore background.  I tried to do this a while back, but found it harder than anticipated to work the additional material in.  Then something clicked this week, so I pounced on it, as I've been wanting to get these updated for a while.

I'm currently reworking the Paffo-Paffo Succubus story and have plans for a few others.  Technically, I should be working on 7th collection stories, but if I can update 5 or so (or even more) of those old H-space stories, those are then stories I have available for future collections (and patron rewards!).  It's probably worth working on for a week or so while the inspiration is there.

Plans for Next Week
All 3 new harlot scenarios (Dancing Lamia, Black Symbiote, Red Symbiote) are now typed up.  Next week I'll get them edited and implemented in time for the end of month release.

For 1st draft writing, I'll continue with the fleshpot harlot.  I also want to have Mindflayer Girl finished off, so that doesn't end up being a distraction as I definitely need to get those 7th collection short stories written at the start of next year!

I don't have much to type up next week, so I'll see if I can convert a few old H-space bestiary stories.

Have a Great Christmas everyone!
- manyeyedhydra


Smith lfarrel

Merry Christmas Hydra! Thanks so much for the continued updates! I love the idea of sprucing up the short stories! Your original "leech succubus" story is what got me hooked on your work. Of course always excited for new HOH content as well:D hope you enjoy the holidays and thanks again for all you do!


Merry Christmas! Excellent news on the H-Space stories. Is there anything coming for Succubus Summoning 301?


Still queued up behind HoHH and Short Story Collection #7. Getting into the habit of doing the regular weekly updates and monthly releases for Patreon has sorted out a lot of the self-discipline problems I had in the past. I still need to get the other projects out of the way first, but when I get to SS 301, I suspect I'll stick to it and get it done properly. (and maybe carry on for 401, 501, etc).