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Dancing Lamia is still proving to be a bit of an arse to write.  Rather than keep banging my head against a wall, I let myself be sucked into doing more Godot game development learning and that's going pretty well.

I've ported across a lot of the data structures from HoHH and also wired up a rough GUI for testing the harlot scenarios.  The current thing I'm working on is to add a rudimentary markup notation to the harlot scenario.  Ideally, I want to be able to load them in as plain text and then have a parser modify the text output depending on player stat tests, the gift brought to the harlot, etc.

If I get this working it will mean I won't need to manually add new harlots, just add the relevant tags to the raw text and the game will load them in.  It will also make it possible for people to be able create their own harlots, especially if I can knock a rough app together that will indicate where to put the text, the stat checks, etc (This is probably still a way off, so don't get too excited just yet!).

I'm not abandoning Twine.  I have some concerns at how slow the editor is getting because of the size of the project.  I need to do some research in how to split the project up so I can work on and load in the harlots as needed.  It's good to have the Godot option as a backup if I need to jump sooner than I'd like.

(Ideally, I'd like a finished HoHH in Twine on the houseofhellishharlots website and then later a HoHH 2.0 in a proper game development engine with user-friendly GUI, nice graphics and sounds).

Typing up Amoura D'Couer's repeat scenario was also proving to be a bit of an arse, but I managed to get over that hump at the end of the week.  She is now typed up aside from a little corner case side path related to the player being out of semen.  This means I'm still on schedule to put her and Leppi Navitas (Energy Bunny) out in the regular release at the end of the month.

For bonus content, my leisure time was off playing 'naughty' games last week rather than the usual mainstream stuff.  This allowed me to put out a Hentai Game Review of Shrift 2 which you can find details of in the previous post.

Thanks for the support!
- manyeyedhydra 


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