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I might make this the usual time (or a little earlier than this) for the regular weekly updates.  I normally try to catch up with correspondence and other admin in the first hour or so after I get up, so makes sense to do the update posts then as well.

The new erotic horror story for Halloween, "In The Red Light Backrooms", was finished and posted.  I hope you enjoyed it.

I didn't want to sit on my ass after getting it out, so I jumped right onto working on adding the blue-skinned suckerboob for HoHH.  I know that should be Dancing Lamia according to the popularity poll, but she isn't ready yet.  Hopefully next month.

Blue-Skinned Suckerboob is all typed up.  I just have to finish editing her and then I'll hopefully get most of her implemented today.

"In The Red Light Backrooms" being longer and taking longer to write than initially intended has pushed me close to the end of the month.  My plan was to also put out the regular HoHH release with at least one harlot.  I still intend sticking to that.

I'm going to try and have that ready by the end of Monday (31st).  Realistically, though, I'm about a day behind where I want to be, so I suspect it will probably be Tuesday (1st Nov).

Thanks for the interest and support!
- manyeyedhydra


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