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It's written, but it's long.  Like about 30 notepad pages long.

I'll condense it while typing up as it's very easy to tip over from "atmospheric" to "just plain boring".

I'm going to spend today and tomorrow frenziedly typing the thing up.  It'll probably be tight though.  The deadline is sometime on the 21st, usually around midday UK time if I remember right.

If I get it finished in time, it'll probably be rough.  I'll still put it up though.  I've put out slightly unpolished stories on Literotica before and polished them up later for the ebook release.

I'll see how it goes while typing up.  There are some structural things I'm not quite sure on, but I think I need to get a draft out, then come back to it later to see if some exposition and plot points might work better if moved around.

I think the concept is pretty good though.  Lots of weirdness going on.  I was a little worried that the final sex scene would feel a little tacked on for the sake of having an explicit sex scene (I could probably edit it out and submit it as a regular horror story and not lose too much, but it wouldn't be what my regular audience are reading for!), but the anonymous succubus stepped up there to give the protagonist a good fucking.

As a final thing, what I tend to do nowadays is offer patrons the chance to have their names on characters in my short stories (their own or something they'd like to see).  I think I have one technically still owed from The Subway Succubus.  Generally, I tend to pick something that 'fits' rather than first-come-first-served.  The two protagonists are nerdy 'incel' types, somewhere in the middle of the asshole to good guy spectrum (clearly flawed, but not as unpleasant as some of the other succubus food that's shown up in my short stories).  If you'd like to see your name on one of them (or any other name) post below.

I'm hoping to have it posted to Literotica before the deadline, but... 30 pages... (why did I write so much!)

I'll probably still post even if I just miss the deadline.  This isn't a potential contest winner. :D



Great! Also looking forward to the new story collection book:)