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This week went off in a slightly strange direction as it turned into a fairly intensive training week to learn the Godot game development engine.

I'd been using the time I'd normally allocate to implementing harlots in Twine (it's usually late at night and I don't get much writing done then).  I felt this wasn't quite enough as there were some things I wasn't quite getting.  So I took a couple of days off and just kept hammering away at various test problems until I understood how the various bits of Godot worked.  Which seems to have done the trick.  I still have a fair bit to get the hang of, but I feel like I'm starting to get how Godot's system of Nodes, Scenes, Scripts and Resources interact.

I know people got a little panicky the last time I mentioned Godot, so I'll reiterate I'm not planning to abandon HoHH on Twine just yet.  It's mainly as a backup should I stuff so much text in Twine it ceases to run smoothly for players.  The plan is still to finish a complete version on Twine.

I'm hoping Godot will offer some options to take HoHH further afterwards.  Primarily graphics and a friendlier UI.  One thing I think would really help is some form of persistence between runs.  HoHH is partially roguelike(lite?) in design.  The player is expected to die and use the information they learned to help them on future runs.  Having some form of bestiary/The Portly Gentleman's notebook the player gradually fills out would definitely make that die-and-restart aspect less painful.

This is still a long way off.  At the moment I'm still trying stuff out to see what works.

Also, the bulk of the work is the writing of the scenarios.  Once written it's fairly quick to implement them (providing the right tools are in place).

As for the new scenarios.  Outside of the few days "training", I've kept ticking away on them.

Succuba has 4 of her 10 sex scenes typed up and is at around 3,500 words.

I finished the 1st draft of the blue-skinned suckerboob scenario.  I also got the red symbiote scenario moving again.  I just need to write her bad end and she'll be done.  I've also figured out the mechanics for Eve Satana (from "The Biggest Tits in the World" story) and have started writing her scenario.

I'm going to switch things around and have the final poll for Harlot 50 (the previous winners and runners up) next week and the poll for the new harlots the week after.  This should give me a chance to finish all the outstanding regular harlot scenarios in progress or planned out.

As always, thanks for the interest and support.
- manyeyedhydra


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