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It's full steam ahead on a v0.035 release for HoHH at the moment.

Butterfly Girl has a name - Pavitra Titalee kee Prasannata.  I'm currently in the middle of implementing her.

Epicratea, the oil wrestling succubus is also written and I've nearly finished typing her up.  Originally, her scenario was going to be another one with a lot of hidden stat checks.  I've realised the problem with these is that while they look varied with multiple branching paths on my side, on the player's side these checks are all done in the background and there isn't much interactivity besides pressing Continue.  To get around that I've added player choices instead, with varying outcomes depending on player stats/personality.

Both harlots will be included in the v0.035 release and while it will be a little tight, I'm hoping to get it out on Wednesday next week.

One of the reasons it will be tight is that I'm just about submit the 5th collection, A Succubus for Remembrance, to Amazon, so there's a high chance I'll have to waste time fighting to get it through their content review team again.

I'm hoping for Wednesday, but there's a chance it might slip to Thursday or Friday depending on testing and other factors.

Thanks for the support!
- manyeyedhydra


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