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A bit of a slow and stodgy week.  Proofreading six 70-80K collections right after each other is a lot, and I could feel it starting to wear on  me this week.  I maybe also tried to push it too hard instead of taking a break and working on HoHH scenarios, so some days were a bit of a crawl.  I did wonder if I might have been better skipping the proofreading, or just giving them a quick scan, but I have found and corrected a fair few errors that were in the original manuscripts, so it probably needed to be done.  Five are done and I'm hoping to get the 6th finished tonight or early tomorrow.  Then I can get them assembled and up on kindle for checking.

Overall, I think I was right to allocate the full month to doing this, seeing as it's turned out to be a lot more hours than I originally thought.  If I'd continued on with the same plan, I suspect I'd have kept squeezing them out in favour of getting a the monthly HoHH release out and not got anywhere.

As for monthly deliverables, this is a strange month.  Rather then write a new short story, I worked on HoHH scenarios instead, so there should be a nice selection on the next poll, but obviously there won't be a HoHH release.  I'll probably post the new Afterwords that will going in the back of the collections, but that isn't the most exciting.

There was the art commission of Queen Colubridis, so it's not been a completely blank month for new stuff.  And speaking of art commissions.  Sorpresa Ombra finished top of the poll.  I've got in touch with marwmellow and I'm working out the details.  They said they were going to be pretty busy over the summer, so it might be a while.  Hopefully we'll get another nice lamia piece out of it.

Definitely a stodgy week with all the editing and proofreading.  Hoping I can finally get that out of the way next week and not have it carry over too far into July!

Thanks for the support and interest.
- manyeyedhydra


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