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I was supposed to be totally on Ebook work this week.  However, writing the roadmap for House of Hellish Harlots perked my interest up for filling in the gaps in the various faction rosters.  As a result I split my time roughly half-and-half.

For House of Hellish Harlots I went through each of the factions and worked out what slots needing filling and what solid ideas I had for each.  I completed the 1st drafts for the Fungus Dress Harlot and Butterfly Harlot.  That takes the number of 1st drafts ready to type up and implement up to 4 (the other two being Gas Tits Harlot and Cream Massage Harlot).  Energy Bunny is still in progress.  I also started and nearly finished one for a Dodgeball Arachne and today planned out and wrote the intro for the 2nd Huntress Harlot.

Work on the collections was a little spotty.  5 of the new covers are done and ready.  I wrote 1st drafts for 3 of the story inspiration segments (although I managed to reference the wrong story on one of them).  I was writing that segment for A Succubus Freedom, then realised I hadn't read some of the stories in a while, so thought I'd switch to final proofreading, which then ran into versioning issues over which was the most recent version (it looks like I made some last minute corrections that were not in the word doc I was reading).  Still some rust to shake off there about doing things correctly!

This week I also received and shared the completed art commission of Queen Colubridis.  That seems to have been well received, so I'll run a poll next week for the next harlot to have art done.

Thanks for the support.
- manyeyedhydra  


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