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It's a couple of days later than planned, but here's version 0.032 of House of Hellish Harlots.

The reason for the delay was the last harlot, Pel-Z.  Both her and Nef were written a while back.  For some reason I thought they were straightforward short scenarios.  Both are around 6K words.  Pel-Z's 1st draft was also very rough.  Rather than being able to type it up in a frenzy on Sunday, implement Monday, and test everything for release on Tuesday, I had to take my time and complete it in three big chunks on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday.  Thankfully my estimates on implementation time and testing were correct and it's ready on 2nd.

Now for what's actually in v0.032.  There are 3 new harlot scenarios:

Atómica, La Bomba de Amor
This is the 'lovebomb' succubus.  She's from the erotic wrestling faction and the 'lovebomb' is her sexy finisher.

Nef is the 'gas sex doll' artificial being.  She's kind of a living sex doll filled with aphrodisiac gases that can release those gases outside of her.  A few people mentioned the "Ways to Break a Good Man" short story which featured a succubus-possessed sex doll.  Nef's scenario is a little different to that, with more emphasis on her gases.  (In keeping with the artificial beings, she also has a fairly nasty horror end you'll want to avoid.)

Pêl-Z Perffeithio
Pêl-Z is another artificial being and the 3rd of the 'Pêl' harlots.  She's the 'perfected' version, which means she's a lot more agreeable than the other two.  I've been looking for opportunities to create little clusters of similar harlots to give their groups more cohesion (I'm planning to have 3 'huntress' harlots in the last faction for this reason).

It's a little unfortunate that both Pêl-Z and Atómica are in the same release as both their scenarios feature man sunk in soft cushion while succubus rides him.

These are slightly easier harlots this time.  Pêl-Z is the most advanced Pêl in lore, but - in an inversion of normal RPG logic - that makes her a starter Tier 1 harlot as she's the least likely to kill the player.  Both Nef and Atómica will probably end up as low Tier 2s.  Slightly easier overall than the last release!

I hope you enjoy this release and as always, post below with thoughts or details of any bugs you run into.



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