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I had a bunch of things all pile up together.  I nearly made the usual mistake of trying to do too many things at once and lock up, but managed to dodge that.  Maybe I'm finally learning!

Lovebomb Succubus is typed up and 5.5K words.  I need to give her a final editing pass and then I can start implementing.

As for first drafts, Balloon Tits Wrestling Succubus is now finished.  So that's 2 new scenarios ready for next month's poll (the other being the Cream Massage Succubus).

I wrote a little more for the Butterfly Girl.  I still need to write her sex scenes.

Energy Bunny Girl is currently parked.  Hoping to get back to her next week.

Ideally I'd like at least one more new scenario and that will form the poll for June.

There were some other things I did (which contributed to the aforementioned pile-up), but I need to wait and see how they'll turn out, so I'll keep quiet on them for now.

What I didn't really do was more work on getting the ebook collections back up again.  I was hoping to work on these alongside HoHH, but that hasn't been working out so far.  I think I need to give them a week or two of complete focus.  What I'm hoping to do is get the next release of HoHH ready early, then have the end of the month and start of next month free for that.

Overall, things seem to be ticking along quite nicely.

As always, thanks for the support.
- manyeyedhydra


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