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Let's try this again and hope it is actually April this time.

I'm currently typing up the Black Latex Milkmaid as she was next in line according to the last poll.

The following are new harlot scenarios where I've either completed or are close to completing the 1st draft.  I'm not going to try and aim for a specific number to implement.  I'm hoping 3-4, but I want to avoid a situation where I panic and devote all the time at the end of the month to implementation.  I want to be adding as many (or ideally more) new harlot scenarios to the polls as I take off.

Here are the holdovers from the previous poll:

Pêl-Z Perffeithio
This is the 3rd "Pêl" harlot.  She is the "perfected" form of the model as she tends not to eat men or drain them completely to death.  She's intended as an early-round harlot.  She's bustier than the other Pêls and gives a nice massage on top of her soft ball.  She can drain a lot of semen, but is nice enough to ask how much the patron wants to donate first.  As a result The Madam lets her see more men.  With the Pêls it's nice to have a sequence of related harlots and also flip established RPG tropes on their head.  Pêl-Z Perffeithio is the most advanced model, but will likely be the first Pêl encountered by players in the finished game.

"Inflatable Gas Doll Harlot"
Inflatable Rubber Doll Harlot filled with aphrodisiac gases.  She's a floating transparent rubber artificial being filled with aphrodisiac gases.  Her scenario is mostly about gassing the player until they lose their minds with pleasure.

And now the new ones:

"Lovebomb wrestling succubus"
A regular succubus with a tight spandex wrestling costume.  She's a "fighting" succubus that practise more physical techniques for subduing men when regular charm and seduction fails.  Her finisher is a "lovebomb" into a giant soft cushion that results in an explosive climax for the man.

"Bladderwort plant girl"
A cruel and predatory plant girl.  She has a seaweed/aquatic plant theme to her dress.  She likes to trick men into getting close enough to her to suck their penis into her vagina bladder.  Then she slowly sucks out all their fluids.

"Posh Huntress + Feral Spumpire"
A posh huntress succubus with her spumpire "hound".  Spumpires are low level semen vampires.  They specialise in blowjobs and can empty a man fairly quickly if given a chance to get a good "suck" on him.  The huntress will have you "fight" her hound.  If the hound wins, the player gets a good long suck.  If the player wins they get to fuck the huntress.

I'm still in the process of writing the last scenario with just the last scenes to do.

I'll run the poll for a week as usual and will type up and implement the scenarios in the order they finish.  Pick the harlot(s) you'd like to see! 


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