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This week I switched the focus back more on HoHH.

Love Heart Succubus now has a name - Amoura D'Coeur.  Her first scenario is typed up aside from some variations.  I want to get her implemented next week and maybe her repeat visit done as well.

January has been more about queuing up future harlots and getting my ebooks back on sale.  As a result, I'm sticking with the plan of just releasing the one harlot at the end of the month.  After then I'm hoping the numbers will pick up as I'll have a number of written scenarios to choose from.

This week I wrote most of the Black Latex Milkmaid scenario.  She's another of the Doctoress's creations.  That puts the new harlot scenario stockpile up to 6 (including Amoura).  I'd like to add a 7th next week, but that slot might be taken up with writing Amoura's repeat visit.  The worst case scenario is that I'll begin February with 5 new harlots to choose from.

I've also been brainstorming ideas for the 5th faction and have a few scenarios and monster girl ideas that seem fun.

Republishing the "A Succubus for" ebooks has hit a snag over the covers.  I was hoping Wombo would allow me to throw together something interesting for those, but I wasn't too impressed with the results for the Christmas one, and I don't think people were either.

I do like the settings I have for the text for those covers.  I'll mock up a few for the other books and put them up next week.  Maybe I just picked a bad picture, or maybe Wombo isn't quite good enough and I'll need to search for an artist to do a proper job of it.

In the meantime, I'll keep dividing my time between work on new HoHH harlots and brushing up the old ebook manuscripts so they're ready as soon as I solve the cover problem.

Thanks for your support and interest!
- manyeyedhydra 


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