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The art commission for Alsharajea Hira has come back.  She's certainly wild and raunchy!

What do you think?

The artist is HunggryCroissant and their page can be found here:

It's a start.  I'll see if I can get more HoHH harlots done.  Feel free to suggest artists that would be good fits for the various different characters. 




Yea.. I’d definitely let her take my soul gawd damn

Petronio Valença

Really, did you think this drawing was beautiful? This drawing is not worthy of the descriptions of the Succubus in their works.


It's a difficulty with visual representations. It's not always going to hit the mark for everyone. That's why I want to involve a wide range of artists. It conveys Alsharajea's raunch pretty well, I think. Definitely wouldn't be suitable for some of the other harlots though. I'm always open to suggestions for other artists to try out (if I can afford them).

Petronio Valença

Succubus drawings of these types, that is, with bad qualities, in my view, do not represent the wonderful descriptions of the Succubus of their works. I think you waste time exposing these poorly made drawings around here, but... who am I to comment on that.

Petronio Valença

I'm pretty direct, you know? The saying goes: Either corduroy pants or bare ass.


No worries. I understand. I think of it as similar to the various fetishes in the scenarios. Some are going to hit the spot for some people and some are going to miss completely. I hope it hits the spot for enough people to be enjoyable. And for those it doesn't, hopefully I can find something for them in future.


Yeah, if I’m being honest I don’t love it. It does convey raunch, as you say, but it’s not very sexy or alluring, IMO. I appreciate your having illustrations done! But this just doesn’t provide much erotic sparkk

Smith lfarrel

Personally I really like this photo and the way this artist works!! No their photos are not the most detailed and high quality, but I really like the raunchy style of them. That being said I completely agree that certain characters would be better portrayed by different artists


I like the photo, but I wish we had one of front facing because in the story she isn’t always spreading her cheeks for the player lol. I don’t get the hate at all.


People have different preferences. If it doesn't float someone's boat, it doesn't float their boat. Nothing wrong with that at all. Given how Alsharajea is, I felt it had to be that pose! :D


Yup. I think the art style is pretty good for the thicc harlots, but I would probably look for someone else for a harlot like Panta Prota. In a perfect world, I'd be able to do the art myself like Kenkou Cross. Not where my talents lie, sadly.


I also cannot stress enough the need for a wiki page! I am getting confused as to who shows up when lol!


Haha. Yeah. There are quite a few harlots in the House now. I need to make a profile page listing them all.


While the art itself is quite good, I am not a fan of chubby Succubi, which is the way I'd describe this representation of Alsharajea Hira. The way I envision the Succubi you describe, they are the epitome of beauty and grace, which sadly I personally don't associate with chubbiness. Once again, it's not a bad drawing in any way, but it just doesn't hit its mark for me.


I like the feral sexuality that the artist has captured. You can tell what she is just looking at her. The artist captured what she is perfectly and what she is, is dangerous.