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The good news is the regular update is back to the regular timespot.  And that's pretty much all the good news at the moment.

And the bad news.  I'm probably going over on ver0.027.  I've been horribly out of sorts all week.  I've tried to keep things ticking over, so thankfully it's not a complete write-off.  It hasn't helped that I locked myself in on the Big Boobfairy scenario as trying to write the two main variants (whether the small boobfairy is present or not) simultaneously has porridged my brain a little.  It needs to be done, so it's just a case of scratching out the pages and getting it out ASAP.

Assphyxia is mostly done, but with some slight wrinkles to the calculations on whether the player survives or not.  As with Mamilla, that calculation involves multiple factors to derive two 'survival' scores for the first and then second, harder smother.  The game has changed a little, so I need to redo Mamilla's test to reflect some faction numbers have changed, the original plans I had for faction rivalries might not apply, and that dispositions are either Submissive or Dominant with no neutral inbetween value.  My plan at the moment is to either temporarily make it a simple CON value check until I can figure out how faction rivalries will play out (the smother faction was initially the BDSM faction and one of their mechanics was they disliked players that had seen too many harlots from the sensuality faction) or to come up with a new test for Assphyxia and then update Mamilla to use the same test (but slightly tweaked to represent the differences between them).

On the slightly better news, the poll for character art finished sometime while I was stuck in bed feeling sorry for myself.  The winner of that was Alsharajea Hira, the Corruptress.  I've contacted the artist, been given a quote, and sent them some detailed character descriptions and reference material.  They have other commissions in the queue, so it might be a couple of weeks, but that process is at least started.

Sorry for it being a fairly lukewarm update.  I think it will be too much to ask to have Big Boobfairy implemented by 1st Dec.  As before when I ran into difficulties, I'll post the raw scripts and then have the game release follow a couple of days later.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.
- manyeyedhydra


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