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I'm hoping I overcome my boomer nature and get the pics to display properly in this post.

This is some art of Pori the Love sponge, one of the harlots from "House of Hellish Harlots".

First up, I'm not responsible for this.  It was commissioned by Mark45 and he kindly allowed me to share it here (He is also responsible for commissioning the Nurse Honey absorption piece from a few months back).  The artist is HunggryCroissant (hope I spelled that right and also correctly linked to their gallery!)

What do people think of it?

I like it.  I know Mark was a little worried about the skin tone, but I wasn't exactly precise there.  "Pink" can mean a lot of different things!  Pori is one The Doctoress's creations, so she's meant to look artificial and plastic, and I think that fits.

It also fits very well for an idea I have.  My ideal vision for the game would be a book-type GUI that displayed art on the left page and text on the right page.  That way the player would see art of the harlots (and NPCs) and the art would be similar to the profile pics of the Monster Girl Encyclopaedia.  Unfortunately, I don't think I can do this in Twine without the whole thing slowing to a crawl (although I might experiment just to check this is the case).

In the meantime, what I thought I could do is create a separate page on the houseofhellishharlots.com website and list profiles for all the harlots (ideally with art).  I like how this picture of Pori has turned out as I think it's exactly the sort of profile pic that would work for that.

I'm thinking of contacting the artist and seeing if they would be up for carrying out more commissions.  If that turns out okay, I might throw up some polls to give patrons a say on which harlots get done first.

How does that sound?

Also, if you really like a particular harlot and have a specific vision for how you feel she should look, and would like to get a piece commissioned yourself, please feel free to go ahead.  As you might have gathered, I'm not so good at finding and commissioning artists, so any help there would be massively appreciated.



Smith lfarrel

I love this!! She looks even better than I imagined her in my head. I definitely agree you should ask the artist if they're willing to make more commissions for your characters. First two suggestions that come to mind are Hiru and Suka :)


I would love to see illustrations of the monster girls, side art would be an awesome idea! You can be very descriptive in your writing to begin with, so finding someone to complement it would be great!


Thanks Mark! :D As a reminder, always be very sure what conditions are bound to the pics commissioned. I've seen rules for skeb commissions that allow for reposts but only on Twitter and stuff like that. As for the Croissant, they want to be mentioned when the pic gets reposted - simple but important. (see here: https://aryion.com/g4/userpage.commission.php?id=HunggryCroissant) As for your idea about the Encyclopedia pages for the Harlots, I'd really love those.. maybe bind it to some function so they expand the more you play the game and advance in it? Like.. it starts off with rather simple information and develops gradually. If ya want I could also help you with webdev if you'd like ^w^ I've worked on lots of web projects already so I'm sure I can be a helping hand :D If you want you can add me on Discord: Noeru#0001 As for the Commission-Voting, I think it's a cool idea as long as you put a little description for each character in the post so people who haven't played the game yet know who's who x3 I think tho that it'd make sense to create a concept of how to commission art for Characters. MGD suffered from changing how the dev commissioned artists - it started with normal drawings and we're now at commissioning not only a full body-shot, but facial expressions, different poses - which kinda requires the dev now to re-commission art to meet the new criteria x3


Thanks for the advice! I'm definitely a noob at that side of things (I don't even have a discord set up, which I probably should do for patrons!) MGD is an example I'd like to follow. I remember the really early demos when it was mainly text only and I love the way it's grown from there. Fully sympathise with the problems of expanding the art. It's great to add more stuff, but probably a real pain to have to go back and redo things so the old pieces of art match as well. Different poses in particular seem a lot of work. Monmusu Quest kept it fairly restrictive on what holds and sex act each monster girl could do. MGD is more like Succubus Rhapsodia where every encounter has multiple stances and sometimes even multiple girls carrying out multiple stances at the same time. It would be a nightmare to show all that in combat I think.


Looks fantastic and hope to see a lot more commissioned art. Pulled off the plastic look perfectly.


An extra page listing the profiles of all the sexy harlots with name, appearance, etc. would be awesome


fantastic idea!

Random Guy

To be honest I don't want artwork in "House of Hellish Harlots" because it fixates how the harlots look. The addition of artwork was one of the main reasons why I no longer play Monster Girl Dreams.