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With HoHH v0.24 out (finally!), it's time to post plans for the next month.  I think this is probably going to be a messy month.  It's also going to be a short month, but thankfully not as short as I feared it would be, thanks to having to redo the work lost in the Twine crash.

First priorities:

I was adding these on an 'as needed' basis, and then somehow mistakenly thought I'd added them all.  Osculia is currently a lot more dangerous than she should be with v0.024 because I haven't added Lips Fixation to the list of ailments Nurse Honey can cure, meaning Osculia's 2nd visit is likely an unavoidable death for most players.  So, I need to get that fixed pronto.

While I'm at it, I think I'll also add:

Originally, the Barman's warning at the beginning of round 5 was supposed to unlock further information on harlot strengths if you chose to talk to him afterwards.  Then I realised this was pointless to have after round 4 as, in the final game, the player would have seen off most of the easy, tier 1 harlots by then.  I'm thinking of taking what I've written, breaking it into chunks and unlocking from round 2.  (This is all optional lore stuff - I won't be making the same mistake of forcing the player to go through it multiple times!)

Both of these will make up an interim v0.025 release.  I'll also put any bug fixes in here, so please let me know if you've played v0.024 and noticed something weird that shouldn't happen so I can fix it.

This will be the version I put up on https://houseofhellishharlots.com/ as well as update that website so it's not quite so cryptic.  I think I need to do some promotional work as well to attract some interest (ideally artists!).

While I haven't put up anything on Literotica for a while, I do normally like to put a story up for their annual Halloween competition.  With everything else going on, I suspect this is going to be crunched out this year.  Last year when I switched to short story writing it ended up being about 4 months off the main project and the bad habits of flitting from project to project resurfacing.  I think I need to focus on getting the new public release of HoHH out.

That said, I do have an old story in progress that's about 4,000 words typed up.  I don't want to get sidetracked, but I might give myself a day next week as in - 'If you finish it in this day, you're good to go.  If not, put it aside for next year'.

There's a bit of work I need to do here to establish the identity and lore of the different groups within HoHH.  The Smotherers and The Artificial Beings are close to being complete in my head.  I have a good idea on what their mechanics and themes are.  There are a couple of slots open for the Artificial Beings, but I suspect they'll come to me given time.

The sensuality group is giving me a few problems.  Thematically, these are the harlots that specialise in sensual massage and similar, and that seems to be fine and fits multiple ideas I have.  Lorewise, there are definitely some kinks I need to iron out as Calliophi (We should only use a gifts to give pleasure) and Sapoonis (I will melt your hands off if you're clumsy) don't really seem to be following the same creed!

For the base game I need two more groupings.  One will likely be a loose grouping of 'classic succubi' that might be further subdivided along stricter themes at a later date.  The other is currently all the weirder monster girls.  I have some ideas, and it will likely be whichever one I write a glut of harlots for first (might be leech girls).

I added a mechanic to account for unaffiliated harlots, so I don't need to worry too much if I go in one direction and then find I have a ton of harlot ideas that fit another grouping.  I can easily create more than 5 faction groups, and these can added as separate packs at a later date. 

As much as I want it to be, I don't think this is going to be the month where I add four or 5 new harlots.  I have a pretty straightforward scenario for the mist girl from the very old demo that's nearly written.  Then there are the little and big boobfairy scenarios.  I'd also like to retrieve Assphyxia's scenario and get that back on track, as I know some are keen to see her.  This is likely going to be a messy month in terms of what gets done.  I'd like 2 new scenarios + the already nearly finished little boobfairy one, but we'll see.

Anyway, this is probably enough to be getting on with for now.



Have you thought about the scenes for the NPC's?


I'm getting closer to identifying their roles as harlots. Not sure when they'll appear, though.