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Still working away on the v0.24 release.  Not as much progress this week as I was away for most of the weekend.

New Harlot: Pêl-V Gnoi
Implementation is in progress.

New Harlot: Boobfairy
About halfway through typing up.

New Harlot (Repeat Scenario): Osculia Suffocati
Her repeat scene is written and about half is typed up.

Selection Algorithm
This is where the bulk of the work was spent this week.  I tested the tweaks to make sure they worked and fixed a bunch of bugs in the process.  This should give me some versatility in having some harlots force repeat appearances (Osculia is the example and you should see what I mean with the next release).

The next big step was to have a slightly different algorithm for the mini-boss round 5.  I don't have any mini-boss harlot scenarios yet, but I do have some late-round harlots I could do with moving back a few rounds.  As part of this change I re-organised the harlots into different factions (essentially, a couple of loosely connected groupings to fit alongside the smotherers and artificial beings) and set some as temporary mini-bosses.  This allows me to test the changes as well as reducing the chances of new players getting 3 'killers' as their 1st round choice.

Next week I'll focus on getting v0.24 out.  It will be tight.  I had a lot to do this month and wanted to make sure I also had a couple of new harlots as well.  At the moment I'm aiming for all the changes needed for the new public demo + 2 new harlots + additional scene for Osculia.

Thanks for the interest and support!
- manyeyedhydra



What happened to assphyxia


Still in progress. I didn't like how the draft was turning out, so I put it on the side to come back to later. Even though I've shifted focus back to filling out factions equally rather than concentrating on one, I still want to get her done as a test case for a conditional scenario where two harlots will team up on a player (her and Mamilla).