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More of a patchwork week than I would have liked.  Some IRL stuff came up.  I was also contacted by another erotica site interested in putting up some of my stories, but I ran afoul of their ToS, so currently trying to hash out what is and isn't acceptable.

I'm currently a bit behind on email and messages, so will hope to catch up on them next week.

As for HoHH.  I finally tracked down a bug with The Elegant Woman where the game wouldn't present the continue option, leaving the player stuck.  That was an awkward one to find.  It only happens for harlots with non-standard gossip (Sgriosar) and only if the player talks to the Elegant Woman, leaves her and then returns to talk about the same harlot again after exhausting her gossip.

I had a merry game trying to track that one down, as you can imagine!

That's fixed now, though, and will be included in the next release.

Ygolia Campbell
Implemented aside from a little programming puzzle I need to figure out.

(Wrap 'n' Facesit)
Typing her up has been a little slower than I'd like.  She's about half done at around 2K words.  I just need a good solid session early next week to get the rest done (hopefully without my back punking out on me again).

Suffocatrix Assphyxia
More work done on her.  She's up to just over a thousand words (because I'm mostly adapting her from Mamilla's scenario, a lot of her scenario skips the 1st draft phase).

After them, things get a little unfocused as I have Volumpula and Osculia's repeat visit on the go, but both require other things to be in place, so I won't be able to include them in the next release even if they're ready.  A head start for next month, I guess.

I started planning out another one of The Doctoress's harlots in the meantime.

The v0.023 release is looking like it will be the 3 smotherbuses + some QoL improvements (with a proper accelerated restart being the most important).  There should also be a fair bit of prep done for next month, when I'll tackle either the 1st mini-boss scenario, or revamp how plot-relevant repeat visits are handled (or both, if everything drops nicely).

Thanks for the support!
- manyeyedhydra


Petronio Valença

It would be interesting for the player, he surviving the end of his time with the infernal whore, if he could choose (pay) to stay to continue with the same whore in the room, even though there were warnings from Madame for the risks he would run for such an act. Since most Hellish Whores are addictive to their clients, so it would be interesting for players to have the opportunity to take risks for their lives by paying to continue the sex.


I'd love to do this, but I think it would add too much to each harlot scenario, and my main problem at the moment is writing them fast enough (I keep making them more complex). It does seem an interesting idea for a harlot scenario, though. They would be otherwise safe unless the player took them up on their offer for 'extra time'.