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After saying last post how good it was to get a rhythm back in creating harlot scenarios and how important it was to keep it, I did the dumb thing and let deadline pressure panic me out of that rhythm.  A lot of the times the arbitrary monthly deadlines are good to keep to keep things moving.  Sometimes they backfire, and this is one of those times.

Being behind and coming up to the end of the month, I have some options.

The first was to drop everything on the other harlots and just focus on the three near completion (Soffacaria Gattagrandi - Pussy Smotherer, Chén - Glass Mannequin and as-yet-unnamed Kiss Smotherer).  That was what I fell into.  I realised yesterday it wasn't the right approach as I'll bust a gut to rush it out, take a breath at the start of the next month that will likely extend into a slow week, slow start to the month and just repeat the cycle.

Another option was to go back to the production line approach, continue working on the 1st drafts (the slowest step in the creation process) of the harlots for next month (Handsmother and Facesitter) and keep the various stages in the time slots that are most productive.  Then just release what happens to be implemented at the end of the month.  At the moment, I think this would only be Soffocaria Gattagrandi, which I don't think is enough for a release.

The option I prefer is to get back the rhythm I had the week before and delay the release a few days until the 3rd harlot (Kiss smotherer) naturally falls off the end of the production line.  That way the 1st drafts of the next 2 harlots will likely be done, 1 will probably be typed up, and I start the next month in full flow rather than trying to pick everything up from scratch again.

By few days, I'm estimating Monday/Tuesday next week.  Implementation is usually the quickest part (although the Twine editor does creak a little nowadays given how big the HoHH project has become).

A while back someone mentioned interest in seeing the scenarios in their raw form.  What I'll likely do tomorrow is post the raw .doc scripts of the three harlots close to completion. This way, people ending their subs for whatever reason will at least have something from the month.  I'll post the proper HoHH v0.022 release early next week when it's finished and tested.

It's an awkward kludge, but will hopefully allow me to get back on track. 



I dont know if this has been asked for already, I havent really payed any attention to the conversation, but might there be an update to the stat generator? Having random stats generated is fine, but having it be the only option is a bit of a pain, especially when I am trying to see the ending for specific harlots that require certain stats and having to click restart over and over for minutes on end sometimes trying to get the stat I am looking for at a high enough number.


The Doctoress NPC sells potions that can temporarily max out stats (or even lower them). It costs coins, but might be a faster option if you just want to experiment with a specific harlot. At some point I want to add pre-built character templates (the jock, the nerd, the priest, etc) with fixed starting physical stats. That should give players a more stable starting point.