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This week was a bit of scenario-writing, a bit of research into website stuff, and a lot of bug-squashing.

On the scenario writing side, I was able to get Executrix Boob Smotherer back on track and her 1st draft is now finished.  I was also able to get a bit more done on the Nuru Nuru Girl.

The website stuff for a public demo was a lot fiddlier.  I was hoping I'd be able to dump the .html into WordPress and run it in-browser.  From what I was able to find out, it's not as easy as that.  There is another option, which is to put it up on itch.io.  This seems to be popular for various regular and h-games, I think.  I might have to do a slightly more thorough check just to make sure I'm not violating their guidelines.  The other issue is it's a bit more public than I'd like for an unfinished demo with no artwork.  It would be a bit like showing my underwear in public!  Still, it's an option.  Would love to hear any advice and tips from people more familiar with it.

The bulk of the week's work was on v0.020, which is fixing all the things I didn't have a chance to include in v0.019.  This includes all the various typos pointed out to me.  Thanks to the people who spotted them.  Extra eyes are great for catching errors.

Nurse Honey should now actually cure the Potion Addiction ailment.  Technically, she did before, but because of how that triggers, what inevitably would happen was the condition would be met again at the beginning of the next round, giving the player Potion Addiction again, so it probably looked like her cure didn't do anything.  I've updated that so that her cure removes all side effects.

I also did a lot of various other tweaks and fixes.  I'll list them when I put v0.020 out sometime next week.

I still have the roadmap to put out as well, after making a hash of writing it last week.

Mostly I want to be getting back to the harlot scenarios.  I don't want to be hit with a similar situation to last month where I let the end of the month creep up on me.

As always, thanks for the support!
- manyeyedhydra


Jimmy the Cannon

I figured there was a drawback to using the potions too much but I haven't been able to trigger it yet. The only ailments I've found are Boobslave and the slimed one.


A couple of the ailments are fairly subtle. I still need to add more fetishes. I don't want to add too many force picks (especially lethal force picks) while the harlot pool is still small.