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It's a couple of days late, but it's finally here.  Sammy's scenario took a little more testing than a normal scenario.

This is almost a milestone release.  This replaces the last of the placeholder 'dummy' harlots.  Everything is fleshed out.  This is pretty much the first 4-6(ish) rounds of the game with everything in place (with the main exception being the harlots aren't organised and tiered - you shouldn't have to choose Sorpresa or Hiru in round 1!).  There are 31 harlots in total.  All with full scenarios.

Almost, as there are still a few minor bugs I need to fix.  Mostly corner cases that shouldn't come up very often.

And with that, let's get into what's added for version 0.019.


She might be familiar to readers of my stories.  She showed up in the "Vampiric Boobies" short story.  She gives a lovely paizuri that will really drain the player.  And also regular sex.

Sammy is a little special.  She's similar to Panta Prota in that a lot of different variables affect how she responds to the player.  She's one worth playing around with to try and figure out her turn ons.  (She was also a pain to implement and test - I think I covered nearly every variation, but if I missed any and you get ugly fail code or typos, let me know.)

Khanara Anandanum
Another unusual harlot.  Not a lamia, slug, or slime, but with properties of all three.  She'll wrap you up and drown you in pure bliss.

Yes, I probably have too many charms in already, but I added a couple of new ones.  One is something that should have been in before - an anti-sleep charm (or maybe anti-sheep charm).  The other has an interaction with one of the new harlots.

I finally caught up with the last outstanding harlots.  Both Sorpresa and Suffocatrix Mamilla now interact with the charm you think they should interact with.  Cibi is also updated and interacts with a new charm that offers some but not full protection from falling asleep.

All of the old harlots are now updated, so if you think a charm should protect against a harlot (or interact with) and doesn't let me know.  The reason it doesn't is for game balance reasons, but if it looks illogical, and lots of people point it out as illogical, I'll need to at least reference why it doesn't work.

And that's it.  I overran a little this month, which was unfortunate.  I do have a head start on the next batch of harlots, and also less restrictions on what can be included.  Hopefully, I'll get back to regular releases at the end of the month, rather than a couple of days into the next month.

I'll be posting a roadmap-type thing in a few days outlining rough plans for the next steps.

In the meantime, enjoy the new harlots!  


John Smith

Never mind being three days late, you have been crapping out high quality content for many years and constantly improved. Even your weekly reports are an interesting read and show that you are going about this very disciplined, so hats off.


Hey Hydra, I was looking at the new Harlots and I really liked them... as usual :D But I found one mistake. It is a small one, though. When reading Acarina's introduction it says "I must varn you," Acarina says. Gonna assume that it should be "I must warn you,"


I gave up. Can you give hints for the Sammy plsss


Talk to the Elegant Woman after having visited Sammy, you'll understand! Really looking forward to what Hydra will come up with her quest (in the future)

Bason Jorne

just noticed 0.18 is on f95zone. As someone who frequents this site, might be an opportunity for you to give additional linkes , engage with the community there or fight the piracy. i actualy recommend using this as an opportunity to get more traffic / word of mouth. i also see a small Harlotguide in the comments which is quite neat.


I've seen it. I'm glad someone created the thread, as it means there's interest. I've been lurking. Piracy is tricky for a creator. On the one hand, it's the internet, piracy is inevitable, it might even convert some people into paying customers if they like the work, so there's no point getting mad about it and looking foolish. On the other, if the creator publicly says there're okay with it, it will be seen as approval and the end result is a very broke creator. I'm still looking to get a public demo out. After that I'll try and do some self-promotion on places like f95 and ULMF (I suck at self-promotion, so that will likely be extremely awkward). I want to raise the interest enough to be able to attract and afford artists. If HoHH on a website gets up and running, I'll likely stagger the releases so patrons get the new release 2 months before I update the public version. At that point I'll politely ask people to not share the new releases out of respect for patrons paying to receive it early.


Thoroughly enjoyed that update - all three new harlots were interesting in very different ways You were obviously in two minds about re-using Acarina but I thought it worked very well. I thought the tweak you made to get her to ham up her vampiricism was a really effective juxtaposition with the classic brutal Hydra reality. The Elegant Woman's disdain and the new charm were very entertaining and I think that sort of interaction is a great way to get new value from old material. Sammy's scenario was good and obviously quite different in character to other harlots, I thought the humorous aspects of that worked very well - again an effective contrast to the threatening background tone. Of course her introduction adds intrigue - both in terms of what happens next with Sammy herself but also the other names mentioned in relation to her. All very interesting and I think these drip-feeds of world-building are very well done. On that note - was there also a hint at the Portly Gentleman's origins and a foreshadowing of more to come, or was that just a fairly standalone comment? (And if it's not obvious which one I mean, I've probably just read into something that wasn't there)


If it's the comment I think it is, it's a hint that the Portly Gentleman has been trapped in the House for a lot longer than he realises...