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Version 0.014 is progressing quite rapidly.  Two scenarios are already implemented and tested and the other two are not far off.  So, I thought I'd make a little post in advance.

Cèis nan Cridheachan (Sex Succufairy) came along as part of that scenario-writing frenzy I've been working on for the past couple of months.  Fairies in monster girl H-games tend to use size-changing magic, naughty plants or be very stretchy to get around the size differences.  My imagination coughed up another possibility that borrows from somewhere else in the animal kingdom.  I was quite pleased about this as fairies aren't a type I normally work with and I don't think this particular 'trick' has been used elsewhere.

After writing the scenario, my imagination popped up again and said: Hey, what if the same trick was used this way.  And that became Balla-Balla an Buachar (Ass Succufairy).  And then: Hey, you could do this as well.  And that became the Mùchadh Sisters (Smother Succufairies).  And then: How about this.  And then my imagination and I stopped being on speaking terms for a while... :D

The last one is Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair, and the reason I'm writing this before I put the release out.  Her scene is pure horror and she's probably best skipped if you're just here for the pleasant succubus-drain-by-sex scenes.

I probably wouldn't have included her at all, except my imagination was sneaky and threw in some interesting back story and world-building that I realised I could use later.  And once I started chasing that idea it gave me some more scenario ideas and a potential alternate "Happy" End.

That's for later though.  My current focus is adding the remaining game-mechanic NPCs and a critical mass of base harlot scenarios so I no longer need to have placeholders.  So, Sgriosar's current scenario is a bit of a stub that I have plans to expand later once I've gotten the basics out of the way.

This also gives me some flexibility.  It might turn out that the whole succufairy thing doesn't work.  In which case I can just remove Sgriosar and leave the original three in as a trio of quirky scenarios.

As for the succufairy thing, one of the risks of having a batch of scenarios revolve around a particular 'thing' is that if said 'thing' ends up being a turn-off for a reader, all will be a turn-off for that reader.  Not much I can do about that other than hope the next batch has harlots more to your liking.

Anyway, back to work.  I'm hoping to have v0.014 ready by the end of the week. 



Awesome! Looking forward to whatever creative spin you've put on them.


A new idea that no one has ever done? you have my curiosity with those succ-fairies. :P I personally think that going into new ideas is much more fun then the usual typical idea that everyone expects. Keep up the good work.:)


The pure horror fairy, is that the dick break one?


Looking forward to it! Thanks for the update posts as always!

Tiber Septim

I'm getting really curious about the fairies now. I was hoping you might crank up the horror dial on the game soon :-)

Random Guy

You should not worry to much about not everyone liking the content you put into your game. It is not unusual that individual people only like half the content of a game.