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I should have been doing this earlier.  Currently there are 17 harlots in the House of Hellish Harlots.  Which one has been your favourite so far?

(Yeah, polling best waifu is an anime cliche, but it might give me an idea of which scenes worked better than others.)



I like huge boobs, giantess, and absorption... what's not to like? Still haven't figured out how to beat her...i know i need to be somewhat drained, but i haven't found the sweet spot yet!


Torn between Mamilla and Boobella on this. I voted Boobella based on a single scene/visit, but would vote Mamilla considering repeat visits and story progression.


I was torn between suca and vete. The rather strange but creative idea of vete was awesome in my opinion. The way she also tried to "trap you" was a lot of fun. On the other hand suca was great because of the whole "maybe one more time?"-idea behind it. Your curiosity slowly got you into a bad end. The encounter by it self is completely harmless but she seduces you into loosing. For me personally thats the perfect implementation of a succubus with your medium. Really great work with her.. she got my vote in the end :)


I voted for Mamilla because smothering is a major kink of mine, but I think the Harlots and their scenarios need more diversity before we start to have too serious a conversation about favorites and what scenes "worked." I know I'm oversimplifying, but it seems like everything in the game right now can be categorized as focused on boobs or sex. I want to see an ass-centric facesitting succubus, something for the foot folks, the body odor succubus you've teased in the sample Harlots -- right now, I love the game but a not insignificant number of the Harlots feel same-y and practically interchangeable.


I voted for Suka because the encounter was super fun and I love the "more, please?" idea. Not gonna lie, I was hoping that the end with the kiss would be less of a "you are dead" and more of a "I'm gonna take my time and I'll keep you to go again and again and there's nothing you can do about it" kind of bad-end scenario, but that is just me :P Regardless, I hope we see more of her! Also, Vete is really hot as well, but again, I think it might be great to have other "bad end" scenarios where the player doesn't die but still is most likely doomed. Entrapment, addiction, abduction etc. It might play into the personalities of some of the harlots.


Which one is the harmless one that enjoys virgins


One of the ideas I've been toying with is short mini-quest chains that open up less "Bad" Bad Ends. Mamilla already has one of sorts. I sketched out a plan for the upcoming succufairies that will likely have the player abducted off by fairies to be pleasured over and over. However, the main goal at the moment is to go broad - get the NPCs in place and enough harlots to make the game playable. Once that's in place I want to go back and build in more repeat encounters that result in similar endings to Mamilla's. I'm writing them down as I think of them, so I have something to come back to later.


It's something I'm aware of and trying to balance. I know certain things are going to be over-represented - boobs, lethal succubi, slime girls, arachnes, lamias - because they hit my own preferences. It's why I was happy to put in a sheep girl and be working on a selection of fairy girls, as those aren't normally monster girls I write. There are some others on the way. One of the harlots currently written and queued up is very ass-centric. There is also a Suffocatrix Assphyxia planned as a complement to Mamilla, and she will do exactly as her name implies. There are some things that will be tough. For instance, with the upcoming succufairies, a pair of them look like classic dommes. As I was writing their scene, I realised the most logical place to take the scene was to have them start beating the crap out of the player's cock and balls with tiny whip and paddles. I shied away because it didn't fit the clan/faction affiliations I wanted to put them in, but mainly because CBT is a fetish I wouldn't have the first clue how to write. Feet are also a fetish that personally leaves me cold, but should have a place in the House. At some point once I have the last two major NPCs in place I'm planning to start thinking about balancing out the roster based on difficulty, monster girl type, and fetish covered. That's likely where I'll throw it open to patrons to suggest girls or fetishes I've missed.

Jimmy the Cannon

Absolutely Mamilla. Not because I'm especially into smothering (can take it or live it), but I am a boob guy and a sub - and the different visits are great. It can be *difficult* to get her to show up again short of using tokens though.


I think Patreon is eating comments again. In answer, yes a Kitsune is something I'd like to add.

Smith lfarrel

Voted Zuripai because I love giantess and the big boob girls and she's both! But as someone said in a previous comment, I would love to see more of Suka. I love the way she makes you want to keep going even if you know you shouldn't ;)

Tiber Septim

I voted for va-kyuuma because I really like her character idea and because of how the scene went if you declined the vac bed and instead opted for normal sex. I have to be honest though, I thought the results of using the vac bed were disapointing. Mostly because the character had a great build up to be a specific way and once you step into the vac bed, she suddenly isn't that character anymore. Add to that the inability to know what is going on and some random toy being used that we don't even know what it is but it isn't at all "vacuumy", leaves one with a feeling of the whole encounter being "not as advertised" Her antics outside of the vac bed though were perfect. Everything She does that is bad ass scary just as a good succubus should be. Combined with the added machinery level of extra power makes her truly imposing. She is a fantastic character IMHO. I do hope that wasn't overly critical. I really am a huge fan of your works. I'm just not very good with that whole "sugar coating" thing. :-)


Torn between Suka and Panta... threw my vote in for Panta because she's underrated and Suka is already in the lead. Panta's scenes are perfect as is (even when she goes all yandere!), while I'd love to see more of Suka somehow (maybe some kind of breathplay makeout session... mmmm!) Overall, 10/10 waifus!

Random Guy

Oh nice, a list of all harlots currently in the game. This will help me to make sure I see all of them at least once.


I'm clearly voting for Boobella, eventhough Cibi Somnia is really close up too


Not at all. Considered criticism is always great. I think there will be more succubi like her with a mechanical aspect, likely related to the upcoming Doctoress character.


I voted for Mamilla because the slavery idea is sexy. I'm really hoping you'll put in some monster girls who use scent as their weapon, like the succubi in the Hookah'd story you wrote. That kind of scent based control, especially mind control, is such a kink of mine. Also would love to see either Capramendes herself or a Capramendes style demoness. A boob snake lamia would also be pretty great. Combine some elements of your past stories and also reminds me of a very old anime/hentai which had a boob snake. Also hoping for maybe a mantis style girl or an insect girl who takes the semen from her victim, fertilises her eggs and then turns the man into a hatchery. Also maybe you could write an unbirth or anal vore succubus?


Very fun poll, the results (so far) are quite interesting I wonder if it might be interesting in future to run the same sort of poll with a "pick multiple" in a similar way to what you did with letting us pick the harlots in 0.013? The reason I suggest that is picking a favourite is very tricky for me and I feel that information is being 'lost' in as much as there are several others that I strongly prefer compared to the reset but if I was picking a top 5 then it would do more to capture my likes versus "not my things" Having said that... I went for Boobella. I thought there was a few things about her scene that worked really well: 1 - Alluring but sinister character. I wonder if using a pre-existing character helped with writing the scene because it gave you less things to be working out in parallel? 2 - The interactivity and rising tension of the scene - in a similar way to other comments about Suka 3 - The little variations in the scene based on different factors like ailments, gift, personality and attributes made it interesting to visit her several times 4 - The saved by the bell ending achieves that most tantalising of effects - the "what if?" I'd like to shamelessly suggest you take her strong performance in this poll as a cue to give her a repeat visit, or even just a few additional slight forks in the path Notable mentions for me would include Arana, Anna Boa and Sorpresa Ombra


As mentioned by others, difficult to have single pick. I guess my favorite type of demon girl is uncaring evil bitch. Yes, she will act all fluffy and nice to lure you in but ultimately, you and your soul are just a food to her. I am going to go with Boobella since she just like that and she even lets you know this at the end. But I also loved Cibi's scenario very much. Morticia is also a special sweetheart though things with her are rather... yeah. Also, somebody better vote for her or she will come for us at night.


I wanted to keep it simple. Pick multiple is an interesting idea. I might do that if I repeat the polls further down the line. Expanding Boobella's role could be interesting. I wasn't going to at first as she's intended to be a bit of a mean girl bitch, which the player picks up on if he survives the encounter. She's also a manipulative mean girl bitch, so I can see an interesting side quest of her wanting help to escape the House, and a lot of tension of wondering if she'll just backstab the player and suck them dry at the end.


Scent is definite on the way. There is a monster girl loosely influenced by the hookah-smoking caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland. There will also be various Alraune-type girls to prey on low-Will or low-Constitution players (or anyone that enters the room without the right protection). Boob snake I want to use. One showed up in my H-space bestiary (was also inspired from the same anime) and would be perfect for the House. Capramendes is a maybe. I have two ideas sketched out that are similar, so that will be in the House even if Capramendes doesn't show up. Hatchery is tricky. Given how the character of the Madam is, she wouldn't allow swarms of fresh insect monster girls running wild. It could make for a nice ailment option: the player is on a timer, if they don't get it treated by the nurse they will die after a couple of rounds, but while they are infected, other monster girls won't kill them. That could make for an interesting faction mechanic - the only way to survive the higher tier girls is to get impregnated by a lower tier insect girl beforehand. Hmm. Ideas... ideas... :D

Random Guy

Suka no-Hirudo Fatal vaginal and anal scene puts her easily at the top. If Couchelaxa ever gets her two missing fatal scenes she is a close contender for first place, though.


I'll have to go back and check on Couchelaxa. She should have Bad Ends for the other positions if the player is out of semen, unless I had a brain fart and forgot to add the check.


I went with the spider. She hit two chords with me, first with the Taming of the Shrew dynamic, and second with her fulfilling two of my kinks. I can’t remember if she has a repeat visit option, but I’m gonna guess not. Anna Boa was on my short list for a while but the last few times she showed up and I had a low strength score, I couldn’t even figure out how to get the So-so ending, where she spares you but isn’t particularly happy about it. I thought I had her solved, and had a few runs end prematurely because of it, so we’re not on the best terms right now. Special mention to Cibi. She matches none of my kinks, but the tension in her scenes was so well written that I found myself engaged and nervous more so than most of the other harlots. Also Baloobia for her repeat visits. For the first Slime Girl to be added, she’s a solid addition. Well, not solid exactly, but... not liqui—you know what? She’s a non-Newtonian addition!


Boobella, because she offers pure sex, her scene takes time to drain the player and gives choices during the process. Many of the other encounters fall short of sex or Bad End. Suka is also very good - if only her anal scene would be longer and more interactive...


Reading this comment made me realise I'd not seen Baloobia's repeat visit scenes - they were well worth it, thanks for the unintended prompt


Interactivity is something I'm having more thoughts on. I was worried it would slow down writing fresh scenarios, but Cibi's was one of the fastest to write and implement. There will be a few on rails where the outcome is determined by player attributes before they enter, but if I can put in a few more choices without it slowing down to me only producing 2 scenarios a month, that's something I want to do.