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Right, 2,000 words typed up today and I feel a lot better.  Last week was a bit of a mess.  I was away for most of it and struggled to make progress when I had the chance.  The gears got a bit jammed.

The H-space story seems to be over the hump now and I'm a lot more confidant that will be ready this week.  Probably needs a better title than "Busty Milk Sprayer" though...

The summer contest story seems to have got mired in stodgier waters.  I'm also concerned I've drifted from House of Hellish Harlots and that needs to be back at the forefront as that is too good of an idea to let slip.

On the summer story.  The idea dropped out of the blue fully formed and those are usually a doddle to write.  It's called the "The Succubus in Mr Herbert's Summer House".  Two local toughs in a seaside town get a call-up from a higher up mob enforcer.  The enforcer is temporarily short of manpower.  They're told they need to babysit the boss's posh summer home and it's occupant for the night.  The occupant is a beautiful woman bound up on the bed.  A woman with devil horns, wings and tail...

Unfortunately the damn thing is proving more pernickity to write.  Some of the character aspects and dialogue are proving troublesome to nail down.  The literotica contest has started, but I think I still should be able to get it finished in time.

I'm a little concerned I might have let ChaosWriting go a little too wild and I'm spreading myself a little too thin.  I thought I'd throw this one open for Patron participation.  Assuming I'll only get one finished before the end of the month, what would you rather see:

1) The summer contest story.

2) Get that sexy snek girl update for House of Hellish Harlots out!

Again, as always, many thanks for your patience and understanding.
- manyeyedhydra



Busty Milk Sprayer seems like a great title lmao. I personally enjoy your stories. And if it's on a sort of time limit for the contest, I say go for it. HOHH is kind of your baby. Rather you make it with the quality you want it to have, rather then force it out, per say.


I would personally say the best course of action is to write the summer contest story and then go back to the snake girls. It just doesn't really help you, if you work on a story where you feel that you are stuck with, right? Obviously, there is still "Busty Milk Sprayer" but you said that you are probably going to finish that this week. Generally speaking, when it comes to making progress regarding HoHH I would just work on other aspects when you are stuck with a certain scenario (like the snake girls). There is still the general description of the house itself that has not been implemented yet (when you talk to the madam regarding more information about the house) or the teased Nurse Honey scenario (which a lot of people probably would even prefer over the snake girls).


Enjoy your summer contest Literotica story. You've already put together a premise. Might as well take the additional time, carry the remainder over and finish your work while your mused. We will all appreciate it in the end. Promise. HoHH will be here when you're ready. We will wait with Bated breath. ;)


Vote for finishing and submitting the Summer contest story. Know you said before you treat it as a bit of fun, and I hope it is, despite the jammed gears. Hopefully it brings you more readers.