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Version 0.012 is ready.

This includes 3 new harlots.  They are:

Va-kyuuma, the House's resident vac-bed specialist.

Calliophi, a lamia specialising in sensual massage.

Baloobia, a slime girl with very big boobs.

I've also added repeat visit functionality for all three.  Visiting them again may open up new variations on their scenes.  I'll leave it to you to play around and discover them.

As always, if RNG is annoying you and not making them show up, you can always speak to The Madam to get them to show up that way.

Some of you have mentioned slowdown if the game runs for a while.  I haven't had a chance to tackle that with this release, but will be looking into it for the next release.

Some of you have also mentioned problems with running the HTML file.  It should open up in your default browser.  Some have had problems with the Brave browser and mobile devices.  Let me know if you have, as I'll also be looking into that for the next release.

I hope you enjoy the House's new additions.  Let me know what you think of them.

Thanks for your support!
- manyeyedhydra



Just to add on for you, I also can't run it in Brave and instead have to launch it in Chrome.

Jimmy the Cannon

Honestly the biggest problem I have with RNG is getting *so many* filler succubi.


I feel the same way tbh. It's so tedious restarting over and over to have any chance of getting a repeat visit.

Tiber Septim

Awesome stuff. I have already had hours of fun with this game. Thanks Hydra. I do agree that with the extra focus on repeat visits, the chance of actually getting one seems disproportionately small. I don't know much detail about the coding side of these things but would it maybe be workable to put modifier on the rng of harlot selection based upon previous interactions. It could certainly make the player feel more "hunted" as harlots could increasingly get their claws into you over time :-) BTW, are status ailments limited to the girls that give them to you? I've been having fun trying to get va'kyuuma to take advantage of the mushy status but with no success. :-)


Love the development, though I keep running into algorithm errors after about 6-10 encounters, so it's super unlikely I'll get to experience a repeat encounter until that is fixed. Feels a bit like the placeholder characters keep filling in and also disrupt the token economy.

Jimmy the Cannon

Also this update was the first time I hit the lag issue, and it was SIGNIFICANT. Of note, it seemed to be worse the more saved games I had? When I deleted them all it got at least a little better.


I think people have said the lag seems to be connected to saved games. I haven't done anything with loading/saving other than what twine uses. I'll see if can look at Twine's api for a way to fix that.


A quick comment on the selection algorithm and repeat visits. In the original plan, repeat visits were a minor thing. They didn't add much to the scoring or advance the hidden values to determine a player's progress towards overall escape. As a result, I didn't want repeat harlots to show up too frequently and prevent the player from progressing. Now this has changed, I'll tweak the algorithm so that harlots with interesting repeat scenarios are not put in the low-frequency-pick bracket. More on this later.


Oof, that's an unintended problem of putting Va-kyuuma and Baloobia in the same release. Mushy doesn't work with Va-kyuuma as her magic works differently, but I can understand why people might think there is an interaction there. Status ailments are limited for now, but there will be more interactions as I add more harlots. Mushy will primarily come up with slime girls, but there will likely be some predatory plant girls taking advantage of it as well. A harlot "hunting" a player sounds fun. I'm going to boost the modifier for harlots with interesting repeat scenarios. I think a harlot like that would go beyond that and force herself to be part of the selections every round. It could make an interesting tension. Her sex scenes escalate and become more draining (or require more countermeasures), but turning her down just makes her draining even more severe when she is picked. I could have a lot of fun with that! :)


Va-kyuuma's vagina reminded me strongly of the seductive blond carpet cleaner in the episode The Suction Method of the series The Hunger.


Va-kyuuma's inspiration was a cross between her and the unbirth scene in Grimm Prairie Tales. "The Hunger" is a strange TV show. Based on the premise, I thought it would have a lot of episodes similar to the stories I write, but there's only maybe a couple. I think it suffers from that weird modern fiction paradox, where so many people are trying to do clever alternative literary interpretations of certain subject matters, the oddball takes end up being far more numerous than the straightforward interpretations.