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This was more of a fix-up week after putting out ver 0.009, especially as I was away all day Friday and Saturday.

Stat Rolls
I redid the stats generator.  The old one was just a placeholder that picked a random number from 1 to 5 for each stat.  This was a bit too random.  House of Hellish Harlots is not a typical RPG where the player will be boosting stats throughout the game in order to take on harder and harder monster (girls).  It will be more about figuring the best path through the harlots for the stats you have.  This path will change depending on what stats you start with.  A player with high Strength will want to pick different harlots than a player with high Willpower, for example.

The new stats generator starts with a fixed pool of points and randomly assigns them to each stat.  This will result in some players being general all-rounders (3 in everything) or having strengths and weaknesses in different stats.

When I get around to rewriting the old intro (where the player's car breaks down and they end up in the House because they're looking for a working telephone), there will also be the option to customise the stats further.  That is for later, though.  I'd like to have all the NPCs in place first.

The Portly Gentleman Feedback
This was something I also had to leave off the last release.  When I came to do the Portly Gentleman feedback for the new harlots, I realised the template I had was too messy and confusing to use, especially for harlots with repeat visits.

I spent a couple of days clearing that up so that all I need to write for new harlots is a couple of feedback sentences specific to that harlot.  This should, hopefully, save some time in the future and avoid the problems I hit with the last release.

I also need to do the same for repeat visits.  That still feels messier to add than it should be.

Short Story
Yes, I still write those and this seemed a perfect time to temporarily switch projects so I don't burn out.  About this time of year there is an unfinished short (well, long) story project I always go back to for Literotica's Valentine's Day competition.  I never manage to get it finished before the deadline (likely because it's not that short of a story).  Maybe this year I will, but I don't have many days left.

Once the story is either done or I run out of time (again), I'll return to working on House of Hellish Harlots.  For February I'd like to add an NPC Nurse and 3+ new harlots.

Thanks for the support.

- manyeyedhydra



Your writing work is fantastic. I have been a fan for many years ever since I found your works on literotica. And while I am not always the biggest fan of the "you die" bad ends (there could be some juicy other "bad ends") I still highly anticipate every piece of your work.


Loving HOHH so far. Favourite has got to be saku, especially love the choose when to stop bit. Love to see more characters with that. I was thinking maybe like if you let them continue to much they wouldn't let go unless your strength stat is high enough?


I might try to work in some non-fatal Bad Ends. In games like Monster Girl Quest it usually involves the monster girl dragging Luka off for a life of snu-snu. With HOHH it's a little difficult as The Madam would probably disapprove of one of her gals running off forever with a customer. There might be other options to explore though.


I have a couple of variations of that scene in mind. Pix's Bad End was initially going to be like Arana's where she counted down how many 'pops' the player had left. Her scenario was already too big, so I'll likely use that for a different 'countdown' succubus. I expect to write variations where the player will need to struggle, to not struggle, to have high enough semen going in, to have the right stat value to escape.