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Here's a bit of background and worldbuilding on the Pauxillum Constupros, the 'goblins' of the "The Banquet of the Queen of the Goblins".  It's not the first time I've used them.  They cropped up in the orgy scene in an earlier short story, "Trent the Traitor", as goblins with little pointed dicks.  The purpose of that scene was to show H-space also has male sex monsters as well as the regular succubi and monster girls, even if I don't really write about them.

The Pauxillum Constupros (or pauxies) aren't goblins.  They're minor incubi.  They're also really nasty buggers.

The reason Hamish didn't see any female ones is because female pauxies don't exist.  Pauxies are an all-male species.  How they reproduce is... unpleasant.  Pauxy sperm does not require unfertilized eggs.  It has the unusual property of being able to force other living animal cells to revert back to an undifferentiated egg state, which can then be 'fertilized' by the sperm.  This rate of 'conception' is low and some cells are more easily converted than others.  Pauxies use their sharp pointed dicks to penetrate the outer surface (they're not particularly choosy about where) and then inject their semen into the soft tissues where the cells are easier to convert.  Once fertilization occurs, the foetal pauxy grows inside the host like a tumour until it eventually buds off and tears its way free.  Needless to say, this is not good for the host.  It allows the pauxies to breed fairly explosively, as a single host will often be left riddled with many tumorous baby pauxies.

Okay Hydra.  Euwwww.  Why would you create such a disgusting thing?

Sorry, still a horror junkie at heart.

I'm trying to add more tiers of monster power to H-space.  I felt the setting needed some more 'cannon fodder' demons to go alongside the very powerful mind-controlling succubi.  One of the things I get asked from time to time is from people asking if they can write more Humanity, Fuck Yeah! type stories in the setting (still grimdark, but with Doomguys having fun blowing shit up).  The scarlet imps were created for that purpose.  I deliberately made them annoying, but they're still your basic cute loli-esque succubus imp in appearance, which makes writing scenes of well-armed soldiers mowing them down by the dozen with automatic weaponry... awkward.

So, if you like the setting, but want to write stories of a more HFY! bent, have fun rip'n'tearing through the pauxies.  That's what they're there for.  They're nasty little buggers and deserve everything they get.

(Just try to keep your doomguys away from the really powerful succubi.  Those'll melt his brain to mush and make him smile while they're sexually sucking out all his fluids.)

Right, that's the horror stuff out of the way.  Hopefully back on sexier ground for the rest of the month.



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