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Okay, it's that time again.

I have another short story on the way and it's time to throw out protagonist-naming privileges to patrons.

If you don't mind a bit of vore, and you like your man-eaters to be, well... actual man-eaters, put a name forward in the comments below (or just send me a DM through Patreon if you want to be a little more private).

As before I'll pick one that seems a good fit and attach it to the (un)lucky protagonist.  (This story isn't actually 100% finished just yet, but it... doesn't look good for our hero this time.)

I'm in the process of typing this one up.  I was hoping to get it done by the end of February, but I think that's going to slip.  I am treating it as my February piece, so if you were subbed for this month, but not planning to renew for March for whatever reason, I still consider you entitled to this when it's done.  Just drop me an email or DM when the story comes out (hopefully, not too deep into March as I need to also get March's piece done as well!).

With that out the way, any volunteers for a gloriously ecstatic end at the hands of our new lovely, flowery companion...?





Seymour (last name up to you) could give you some material to use from "Little Shop of Horrors" and the irony of him being named Seymour.


Thibault peharps?


Lee Duva:)


After reading this and thinking about it an interesting popped into my head. Link.


How carnivorous are we talking? More than the pitcher girls you've done in the past?


Similar to them. I generally only skirt around the edges of vore, so it's more "melting with sexual pleasure" than "actual melting with acid".


A great name for a more fantasy setting. I think I have a story idea where that will fit well.


Hamish Seymour would fit quite well (he's a regular student), if you're okay with that. Or Seymour Hamish, now that I think about it.


Another one I picture for a fantasy-ish or historic setting. I have something in mind.