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And that boobie monster girl short story I've been hinting at for a while is finally done.  This is a temporary exclusive for Patreon.  I won't be putting it on Literotica, but it will appear in my next short story collection (which I'm still in the process of writing).

Wasn't this supposed to be out in November?

Yup.  The last few months have not been so good, for which I apologise.  Things happen, unfortunately.  I know I've lost a few of you because of this.  I hope you'll come back once I'm putting work out on a regular schedule again.  As for those of you that are still here, thank you very much for your continued support and patience.  It is much appreciated.

Currently, I'm working on some more short stories.  Some I intend to put up on places like Literotica for everyone to read, some will be temporary Patreon exclusives, others I'll be holding back for ebook short story collections.  I will continue to offer opportunities for patrons to name protagonists.

As for the GameDev and CYOA stuff, that's sort of in limbo after Patreon's Trust and Safety committee went full Orwell back in December.  That was a bucket of cold water in the face to any plans to really push things here.  As a result I'm having to focus on my regular bread'n'butter income – which is ebook royalties from Amazon.  This forces my main focus back to short story collections and ideally a third Succubus Summoning novel.  I will continue to create CYOA scenarios and game ideas, mainly because I love coding, even simple coding, but I'll have to fit it around my regular writing.

Anyway, enough gloom and pessimism.  Here's a brand new manyeyedhydra story.  Enjoy demon boobs, lots and lots of demon boobs!


P.S. I attached the file as a word doc on the assumption everyone would be able to read this.  If you'd prefer a different format (eg pdf) shout out in the comments and I'll make sure that's available.  I still have calibre floating around so I should be able to convert to most ebook formats.  Actually, just let me know the best format to post it as! :)



I think that eg PDF might be simpler for most of us.


Yep, I was thinking that as I got to the end of the post. :) Give me a mo, and I'll get it attached.

Harold V. Campbell

Just happy to get another story from you. As well as knowing more collections are on the way. :)


Okay, pdf version up now. If people need any other formats, let me know.

Smith lfarrel

That was incredible!! You sir do not disappoint when it comes to a good story! And that ending! Pretty sure I would give in eventually


One of your best stories to begin this year with. I'm really looking forward for Aurora's past experience with Oppa or a sequel to this story.


Wow, not bad! I'm totally not into boobs at all, so I read this with little expectations. But wow, what a pleasant surprise this story turned out to be. The enchantment and soul sucking, and the predicaments of your characters have always been the best parts of your stories! Especially good ending, this one!


I really liked it. While reading it I had some thoughts. Is Aurora actually Weaver playing a long con was my first thought. A long con to make him think there is hope only to reveal herself when he is most secure and throw him down into the pit for good. I like the Lovecraftian pervesions in it. I thought at first Oppa was Capramendes but the description of Oppa showed it wasn't.


I liked this.


Eventually ehhh... I doubt I would have taken the hand offering to pull me out

Tiber Septim

Techno warlock aye? That has serious potential to get very interesting :-) are we going to be seeing Succuborgs soon? :-)


I'm a new follower of your patreon, just signed up for $5.00/month. I've bought all your ebooks from Excessiva, and I follow your Literotica account avidly. You're one of my favorite erotic authors. Thanks! Oh, and for myself, I much prefer doc format for reading.


Dunno how hard it would be but epub format is what I prefer. However PDF is fine as well


Nvm I found a converter online. It's super easy


Was a really good story in my opinion. And the whole warlock kills humans, someone safes them... storyline can also be integrated into the bigger universe of your stories, whether thats SS or the Nicole / Hentaispace remains to be seen. If that is what you plan to do ofc.


Probably not. The ship/robot girls thing doesn't do anything for me, so I'd struggle to do a good job of that story. If the right idea comes along I might go with it. Linda Weaver is more "tech" as in IT tech than engineering.


Happy to have you! Sorry for the delay in replying, was off for the weekend. Things are still a little erratic here, but I'm trying to boost my output again! :)


Calibre is the one I use when sending docs to the publisher. In future I'll try and add that and things like .mobi for people with kindles.


There are some hints... ;) I'm still trying to write up the behind-scenes commentary. In that I'll talk more about the Linda Weaver warlock character.


Such a wicked tormenting trap. Leaving the victim with virtually one route of escape really gets me. 🤪