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First up, apologies for the quietness this December.  Some other-life stuff cropped up at the start of the month and by the time I was through it I was caught up in the holidays.

And then Patreon decided to shit the bed…

I'm not going to go into it in great detail, but I am of the opinion Patreon is no longer a safe or trustworthy platform for creators.  If it wasn't for the fact other work had caused my current writing projects to fall behind schedule, I would have already cancelled my account here.

More on this later, but for now I thought I'd do a better job of managing expectation and lead off with the more positive stuff first.

First, as far as I'm concerned, everyone who has subbed to me up until December is owed a sexy boob monster girl short story and an advance look at the next monster girl CYOA.  I intend to stick to that plan regardless of what happens here.  If you no longer wish to use Patreon in the light of the Orwellian nonsense they've been pulling recently (or support me—I'm fully aware my own output has been very erratic), I fully understand.  If you have been a backer up until now, I will try to get the projects to you as soon as they are completed.

Whatever happens, I do want to thank the people here that have supported me, even for this brief period of time.

Because of the nature of my work, I'm aware a lot of you are uncomfortable about seeing your names in any kind of credits list.  However, I think I might have a sneaky solution that might be of interest.

All of my stories contain references to writers, movies and bands that I've enjoyed over the years.  These are usually reflected in the names of characters, but I'll sometimes use them as references for place names (street names, etc).

I should also add that I don't do "Take That's."  I only ever reference things I've enjoyed, so even my most feckless and/or despicable characters are named after creators/creations I like.  This is because of a story I heard (possibly apocryphal) about Wes Craven naming his iconic Freddy Krueger after a bully who used to torment him at school.  It might have been initially intended as a Take That, but then Freddy Krueger became a horror icon.  My imagination pictures that bully looking at a film poster years later and thinking, "I used to beat this runt up at school and he went on to name a horror icon after me, how cool is that!"  So, no Take That's, ever.

More recently I've been moving away from this.  It's fine for a random nobody on Literotica, but starts to look icky on a sort-of erotic horror writer with multiple books published on Amazon, especially if people come to the erroneous conclusion they were intended as disses.

However, this does leave me with something I can give back to those of you who've supported me here.  Whatever happens in the future, I'm still going to be writing stories and those stories will have characters and places that requires names.  It doesn't even need to be a name.  It can be a little snippet of description—something you'll be able to recognise and think, I helped fund this.

If you would like to be included in this, please comment below with the name or little descriptive tag you'd like to see used in a story at some point.  If you want, also add your favourite monster girl or fetish and I'll try to use your reference in an appropriate story.

Just to be clear, this is just a minor name or descriptive tag rather than any insert characters.  When it comes to storytelling, I always do what I feel is right for the story first.  On that note, it's quite likely your name might get dropped on a less-than-stellar example of humanity (my succubi do love slurping up assholes).  If you really really don't want this, let me know and I'll try and apply your moniker to a less-assholish doomed succubus meal instead (my succubi also love slurping up the innocent as well).

Also, if you'd prefer even this sneaky reference to be totally anonymous, feel free to DM me rather than commenting.  My aim is to put a private list together and dip into it for future stories.

(And maybe even grow that list with future subscribers if this political nonsense blows over, or an apolitical competitor to Patreon emerges.)

Obviously, I can't put a timeline on when I'll sneak your reference in—there are over a hundred of you for starters!

Once again, thanks for your support and apologies for the uncertainty.  I'll try to post again over the weekend while I figure out some backup plans for 2019.

Fuck Censorshit!




I'd be cool with anything or nothing, it's all good to me. I'll be supporting no matter where you go just as long as we get a succubus summoning continuation in the future hehe


If you can manage to work this name into your story without it sounding weird, I'll be impressed. On the other hand, at least it's not something like XxSephiroth4128743. Also, I have a foot fetish, and my favorite monster girl...Well, favorite monster girl in general is the vampire girl from MGQ. I don't have a particular favorite monster girl out of the ones you've made, but you definitely have a habit of making girls that wouldn't normally appeal to me appeal anyways.


Honestly I would like to be the next victim of Nurse Honey, if that is possible, whenever that story comes around ;D - Name's Alexander


Hi Hydra! Earlier this month on December 3rd I messaged you about some things that get me off that I would love to see in your stories. If you end up working any of those things into your writings I would love to be the succubus' victim. Thanks!


Please don't go away from Patreon >.< it's currently the easiest way for me to follow up on all of your stuff x3 I'd also suggest that you create a Discord because then you can just go and give patrons a special role on there, it might not be that active at the beginning but communication is so much more chill and sending out suggestions and so on - if you need help with setting it up you can just ask me, but i also think that the info pages here on patreon (for the integration) and the discord wiki itself are incredible easy to understand so there'll be no problem anyway :3 I'm looking forward for more content of you and it is my urge to support ya, so don't back off from patreon or i'll send the arachne!


I've been a long time reader, since the hookah story on Literotica a few years ago. Pretty sure I own all the ebooks by now, I consider myself a fan. I've been a big fan of your orally fixated succubi, I'd like to request a shaggy-haired protagonist whose fellated to death by a demoness or two


Some of my favorite details of the Succubus Summoning series are the subtle nods to the attentive reader. Think names and tags would be a lovely addition. Cέrμləa’s my favorite character (partially because she does these nods so often) and my name’s Jason. As an aside, have you looked into alternatives like Donorbox or Memberful? Not quite platforms like Patreon, but integrate directly into sites and mailing lists. Regardless of what you choose, look forward to supporting you in the future!