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A quick update post as I'm away this weekend.

The boob monster short story is progressing nicely.  I managed to wrestle the back story to roughly where I want it and now it's time to give the protagonist some fun in the boob dimension.  I'm aiming to try and give patrons something nice as exclusives (even if temporary), so I have this penciled in for November (providing I finish it in time).

Petalina's Flower Show is progressing a little slower.  I know the overall structure, but given it's a little more open ended, I'm still figuring out how best to arrange everything in Twine.  I might switch to writing some of the passages freehand first to see if that helps lock down the finer structure.

In more general stuff, I posted a detailed dissection of my last short story for patrons.  I hope people found that interesting (and maybe useful from a writing perspective).  I also took a look at Toro Toro Resistance's upcoming work on my blog and mentioned my disappointment over the lack of conventional succubi and monster girls this time around.

I'm out for the rest of the day and likely for most of the weekend.  I'll pick things up again next Monday with maybe another leak from the ideas file.



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