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I was abducted.  They did... things to me.

Just kidding.  I took a little vidya break to recharge the batteries and it seems to have worked as a short story I've been stuck on for a while appears to have unlocked.  It might be the entrant I get done for Literotica's Halloween competition.  It might not.  I have a few ideas swirling around and I'll see if I can hammer them out next week.  I used to keep a stockpile of short stories/series chapters, and it's time to build that up again.  Patrons will get to see things (aside from contest entries) early, of course.

Feedback from "Escape Volumpula, the Pink Slime" appears to be positive.  No game-breaking bugs that anyone's seen and the trophy appears to be a little more challenging to find.  I was a little disappointed making it live for all didn't result in an influx of new patrons.  That's probably a sign it didn't find many readers outside of those who were already aware of me.  Running with "Escape Volumpula" instead of the simpler (and more easily google-able) "Escape the Slime Girl" might have been a mistake.  Still, people seemed to have fun with it, and if people have fun, word of mouth gets there eventually.

(You did have fun with it, right?)

Plants and a naughty elf/dryad is still the plan for the next CYOA.  Before then I want to get at least one new story out before the end of the month (ideally for Lit's Halloween contest).  Not sure what it will be as I'm currently juggling about 3 or 4 different works in progress (as usual!)




One thing you could do is make ganes based off characters from your stories or vis versa. If people read the story and like the characters and theres a interactive game with them in it that might get more people.


I did have fun with it though a part of me felt like a monster having my 'avatar' go through so many bad ends so I can find them all, which I haven't. Also a shame you didn't get more patrons but hopefully that will change in due time. Can't wait to read your next story.

Smith lfarrel

I really enjoyed it! The only negative thing i came across was that i felt like too many different paths just led back to the same ending. However I know even more details require more time and effort, and you can only put so much into it before it gets out of hand. I would love if you did a game scenario with the Red Lips Succubus from Hell-Space ;)