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Whew.  That took longer than expected.  I'll have to take a look at my work process and see where I can improve things for future scenarios.

The CYOA scenario is ready though.  I'm going to make it available early to patrons (because you lovely people gave me money to make this!) and post it up for the general public to read about a week from now (and hopefully gain new patrons in the process).

As with the arachne scenario, the paths through the scenario can be fairly short, but there are a lot of them.  Volumpula definitely likes playing with her visitors in a variety of ways.  There are multiple Bad Ends and also different degrees of Badness to those ends.  I'll leave it to the players to explore all the options.

I have rigorously gone through checking for typos, bad formatting, etc.  It's still possible I might have missed stuff.  So please let me know if you come across anything that doesn't seem right.

Also, let me know what you think of it overall.

Most of all I hope you have fun with it and it was worth the wait!




Holy buckets! I made the wonderful mistake of reading this at work. I’m going to have to hide a bulge for a while...


This is amazing, but i cant figure out the trophy, i pass the cunning roll, then game over?


I was a little sneakier this time. ;)

Smith lfarrel

This is tricky trying to find all the different endings! :D


How many good endings are? I found the statuette one, and i suppose that leaving without the statue is another one. Is there more or the rest are all ''bad'' endings


Most of her different sex acts have a good or bad end. They all lead to the same good end of leaving the chamber (with or without her trophy).


are you sure that statue isn't just a myth? lol


I've played through a dozen times and haven't hit the trophy. I really enjoy the writing in this though and I really enjoyed the spider girl one. I was wondering if in the introduction part where you run through the stats and such if you shouldn't do that as like a voiced character. One explaining the rules to the player instead of it being "you" as it were. It just seems like the transition into the game might be a little more organic that way. I'd love to see a Capramendes encounter in here or an encounter like the one the two Succubi had with Bachman. I love the whole smoke in the face thing. Awesome work though. Been reading your work for a long time and glad I can finally support even in a small way.


The intro is something I'm thinking of working on once I get a clearer idea of the setting. It'll likely switch to being given by whatever succubus character(s) is/are sending the player character into these various rooms.


I do want to say that I liked Volumpula's character. Definitely different then what I was expecting and that turned out to be good. Different personalities will lead to different forms of seduction which spices things up. Can't wait to see how the next girl will try and seduce us.