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This was a very busy week. A couple of weeks ago I put out the full HoHH1.5 demo for $5 and higher tiers.

There were problems...

Since then I've been fixing them and working on improvements. While the regular computer browser version is fairly stable, the screen layout for mobile devices was very rough and borderline unplayable. I've made a lot of changes there to font sizes, ui icon sizes, portrait layout and others, as well as adding code to make sure the scroll position is sent back to the top on entering a new passage. After all that I think (and hope!) I have a version that's not too far behind the regular computer/tablet version. Feedback is important here, so please drop comments with your thoughts after trying out the demo.

There are still some things to fix, but - fingers crossed - the HoHH1.5 demo does appear to be roughly stable.

I received the latest batch of harlot art and was able to add it right away. If you check out the demo now you should find a few more new succubus art you might not have seen before, like the lovely Amoura D'Coeur above.

There are now only 5 harlots remaining to get art in this version. I've just sent off the descriptions and commission details, so hopefully I'll be able to add them in a month-or-so's time. At this point the demo has jumped way ahead of the art reveals, but I'll still continue with the harlot spotlights and reveals. The regular reveals for all patrons will now be as the Hell Harlot profiles, which will make a nice little series to run alongside the game.

I also added another sneaky little extra. It's something I initially said I wouldn't put in, but the code change to allow it turned out to relatively straightforward. I'm going to be coy about it for now, because I think it will be a unexpected and pleasant surprise for people when they come across it. You have smithlfarrel to thank for that one.

I'll reveal what it is in a couple of weeks. I don't think all harlots will get additional 'surprises', but the code is now there to open up the option for it. My budget is sadly limited to making sure all the harlots have regular pinups and portraits, but were I to receive additional art... ;)

Unfortunately, while I did make great progress finally getting the full HoHH1.5 demo out for all patrons (the details are in a previous post if you missed it), this did come at the expense of writing Temptacia. It was pretty much all on hands on deck to sort out the bad mobile version, which meant I had to abandon my usual schedule to get that sorted.

This might not be a bad thing. One of the problems I've had with Temptacia is the writing on her has been a little disjointed as I've been bounced from one thing to another. Now that the other things seem a lot more stable, I'm hoping I will finally have time to properly sit down and get her written.

The release schedule will continue to be erratic and 'as things are done' for the time being. This means there won't be an end of month release. July's release was the HoHH1.5 demo. There will probably be a lot of mini-releases as I continue to polish it and add more art as it comes in. Temptacia will be released as soon as she's written and implemented. Then, depending on how the subsequent 'mini-bosses' turn out, I'll try to get back to a stable end-of-month release schedule again.

I hope you enjoyed the new demo!
- manyeyedhydra 



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