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Continuing the harlot profiles, it's time to look at Nooru.

Nooru is one of my pre-existing monster girls. Her type of lust daemon first showed up the in "Nuru Nuru Girl" H-space Bestiary short. Their bodies secret a special slime and they use erotic body-to-body massage to relax their prey into a blissful puddle. Literally in this case.

Real world inspiration comes from nuru massage, a type of sometimes-erotic body-to-body massage that uses a seaweed extract to make sure all participants are nice and slippery.

I thought that type of lust daemon could fit in the House and would be a good thematic fit for the sensuality faction.

Her mechanic is fairly simplistic and even called out for being so in-game. It helps establish Nooru as a pleasant, but fairly dim type of lust daemon. Mechanically, it's a simple stat check that can even be skipped entirely should the player be warned by the Elegant Woman beforehand. This is good as I want the Elegant Woman to seem fairly helpful for the early scenarios.

Unfortunately, there's the recurring problem where the mechanics and some lore aspects are an awkward fit for the faction. Nooru is certainly acting to slake her 'primitive' hungers, so for her to fit would mean Calliophi is taking a very narrow view of Priti Nāndyāh's "teachings". This can be explained in a similar way to how all religions seem to have offshoots following much tighter interpretations. Nooru being part of this group does also fit with Priti Nāndyāh taking much "simpler" daemons into her fold – similar to the slime girls Squishii and Squidgii.

It's a bit messy but just about holds together.

Switching to the lore and this is where things crossover slightly with the H-space stories.

Nooru is a nurunuru massajioni daemon. They subdue humans with their slime and use it soften them to the point they can be drawn up through the vagina into the daemon's stomach.

They're regarded as a fairly simple daemon and don't have much in the way of magic or other powers. Their only way to subdue humans is to grapple them and soak them in their slime secretions.

The caves they live in have an odd appearance resembling the interior of an inflatable bouncy castle. This is a perfect surface for the nuru nuru girls to carry out their massages on. This is duplicated with the interior of Nooru's room.

I wanted the H-space story to have nods to the unimaginable horrors of Cthulhu mythos, so the nuru nuru girls in their brightly coloured bouncy cave are sort of the equivalent of the dopy giant penguins of Mountains of Madness before the shoggoth shows up and drives everyone insane.

Marwmellow's art of her is really cute, although it does present a dilemma of how much to 'spoil' with the art. Apart from her hands and feet, Nooru could easily be mistaken for a regular human. Marwmellow hid her hands which is a very good way to get around how to depict something that is almost human, but definitely off. Ygolia has a similar problem. To show she's an actual monster girl, you'd need to show the "vagina" openings in her palms, but that would then spoil the surprise of the scenario.

Ideally, I'd have extra art showing the naughty stuff, but I definitely don't have the budget to go that far!

I hope you like her anyway. Let me know your thoughts below.




Yuuuuuppp that’ll do!