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Pretty steady progress this week.

I'm currently working away on Temptacia's scenario. Her paizuri scene has been written and I'm most of the way through her blowjob scene. She will have five scenes in total (the other three being regular sex, anal, and feet). I'm hoping I'll have her ready by the end of the month, but these scenarios are pretty big, so I'll see how it goes. Progress on her seems to be going quite well, so I'm hopeful I'll have her ready.

The other thing I've been doing is testing all the 36 Tier 1 harlots for the HoHH version with art.

As well as testing I've been redoing some harlot hints and adding limited repeat visit functionality to some harlots where it makes sense. By limited I mean no additional scenes and just a few minor dialogue and text changes. However, I've been experimenting with adding additional hints on later harlots. This can be a 'reward' as such for revisiting a harlot in a run. It might be a good place to clearly state what charm a player needs for some of the trickier Tier 3 harlots.

The biggest chunk of work still to do there is Assphyxia's repeat scenario, as that is a bit more than a few dialogue tweaks.

My current plan is to focus on getting Temptacia done, then Assphyxia's repeat scenario for a proper HoHH1.5 demo.

Thanks for the interest and support!
- manyeyedhydra 




Do you have rooms where you go and it ends up being a bad end anyway?


There are only 2 harlots that are unavoidable Bad Ends if visited. They are fairly obviously sign-posted as such beforehand. As for forcing a Bad End with anyone, bringing the Black Rose does that with most. I've incorporated it within the setting lore, so some harlots might ignore, not reference it. There are 2 harlots that won't Bad End the player at all (one can't, the other won't), and that overrides the Black Rose gift. There are others where it won't work either, but those harlots also usually have a pretty obvious choice if the player wants to pick the Bad End.