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I didn't quite break the back of the artificial octopus, but I did make solid progress last week.

She's fiddly in a similar way to writing Succuba was. None of her segments are particularly long in word count, but there are a lot of them. Then there was that panic when I wasn't writing her fast enough to hit release deadlines, which slowed it down even more.

Currently, her core and 4 tentacles are fully written and typed up. 5 tentacles are in varying degrees of progress. 4 I've yet to start on. It's still a fair bit to go, but I felt on top of things last week. There was less scratching around and more things getting done and checked off. I think I'll speed up now the end is definitely in sight.

I estimate the final word count will be around 15K words (ie about a quarter of a regular novel).

Are all mini-bosses/queens going to be this awkward?

I hope not!

The artificial scylla is a little different from the base idea in that there are 13 options for the player to choose (this is to stop Round 5 becoming stale on subsequent playthroughs). This turned out to be a little bitty and stop-start to write, which got panicky when I started missing deadlines. Once I get the first min-boss out and settle down, I think the others will be much smoother to write.

The other aspects of HoHH development are running smoothly. Marwmellow is currently on the Tier 1 harlots of the 3rd faction. I'm currently testing and fixing bugs for the 5th faction Tier 1 harlots that don't need repeat visit functionality.

I'll keep #MonsterGirl24 on hiatus until I'm sure I've finally got Artificial Scylla out of the way. I'm hoping that will be next week, then I can get that up and running again, as well as other things such as those updated H-space stories.

Apologies for this slightly lengthy period of being stuck in low gear. I think I finally might be clawing out of it and will be back to making solid progress again.

- manyeyedhydra



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