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Breaktime over!

Did it help? I think so. I spent the week trying to get on track.

I did consider switching to one of the smaller harlot scenarios, but I don't actually have many of those left to write. Maybe 5, and all deep in Tier 3.

So, I just rolled up my sleeves and got back to wrestling that artificial octopus. There was progress there. It's still a little slower than I'd like, but I think this one is just going to fight me all the way. At the moment it's a chaotic mess of multiple half-written suction tentacles, so I focused on getting that a little more organised. It's looking better, but I thought that before. I'll see if I can finally break the back of it next week.

Testing is also progressing fairly smoothly. There are a few harlot scenarios I need to tweak because some information has changed, and a couple I'd like to add some rudimentary return visit functionality where it can be done cheaply with some minor dialogue changes. I'm putting those aside until the rubber octopus is done and I feel like I'm back on a regular schedule again.

I'm through all my notes for future/maybe harlots and monster girls. I'm going to pause #MonsterGirl24 for a week. This is to give me a chance to come up with some new ones, but also because I want to concentrate on getting a lot of writing done on the artificial scylla next week, and don't want any distractions!

I think things are tentatively better. I'll get a better idea after next week.

On the plus side, the harlot art is still rolling in. Can't wait to get that proper demo out with all the graphics and art!

Thanks for the support and patience.
- manyeyedhydra




Baloobia is such a cutie! Glad you're feeling better with the progress mate :)


The artificial scylla certainly has an array of interesting suction tentacles. I might have a gone a little too crazy there!


I'm bummed about the pause but understand the need.


It should only be for this week. I've started reasonably well this week on writing the artificial scylla. If that keeps up I should finally have broken the back of it by the weekend, I hope!