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Here is more art, this time of the enigmatic Couchelaxa.

Unfortunately, I'm probably only going to use her portrait in the game rather than the full piece. Originally, my plan was to show the full pinup as the girl is introduced during the choose-a-harlot phase. However, this creates problems for the more monstrous girls. The House has a kind of illusion magic that makes lamias, arachnes and similar appear as regular girls (so not to frighten away potential visitors). This would mean I'd need separate pinup pictures for their illusory and real forms, and I don't have the budget for that. So I changed the code for harlot selection to only show the portrait. This also adds a nice bit of risk/reward as to see the full art, the player has to pick her and go up to her room.

Now I've settled on that plan, it will mean I need to commission an additional piece of Couchelaxa at some point. She is a bit of a special case, as I wanted to use some misdirection to make players think they're dealing with an invisible woman when in fact she's an artificial slime girl masquerading as a bed.

The piece is still pretty nice. It's done by Marwmellow, as with the others. You can find more of his work here




In terms of pets? Varies from succubus to succubus. As a whole, they're probably less animal-loving than average humans, but they're are plenty of exceptions.