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And now it's time for the 3rd of the Pêls, the vore-themed Pêl-V Gnoi.

Despite looking the youngest, Pêl-V Gnoi is the oldest model of the Pêls currently working in the House.

The Doctoress was interested in making more efficient semen extraction units, one that would also harvest other parts of the body after it had been completely drained of all semen. Those studies led her to investigate the various plant girl daemons of the Dominion of Lust and the way they use 'erotic digestion' to absorb the vitality of men.

Unfortunately, Pêl-V Gnoi was a failed experiment. She had a critical flaw that only became apparent once The Doctoress set her to work within the House.

Pêl-V Gnoi needs human semen in order to trigger the production of her 'digestive' juices. However, unlike most succubi, she lacks the supernatural means to induce an ejaculation in a man regardless of his current physical state and mentality. If a man is too tired or drained, she can't get him to come.

Because of this, Pêl-V is teased a lot by the other succubi in the House. It's a source of much of her insecurity and unhappiness, which she hides behind a bratty exterior.

Ironically, it's also likely prevented her from being destroyed by The Madam. Because of her twisted sense of 'fair play' the Madam would not have tolerated such a ruthless predator in her House, and had Pêl-V destroyed (as she has done before with The Doctoress's more 'displeasing' creations). As it is, Pêl-V's survivability rate is high enough for The Madam to allow her to continue existing.

And now the behind-scenes stuff.

I think Pêl-V Gnoi started as a second girl-on-bouncy-ball harlot, but unlike Pêl-O, who rode the player on top of her bouncy ball, Pêl-V would ride the player while inside her bouncy ball.

Because she's another girl-on-bouncy-ball harlot, it made sense to make her another Pêl and link her to Pêl-O. Because she's drawing the player into her ball, it also made sense to have her play to vore fetishes.

I realised she was going in the same direction, so decided to make her a nod to MGQ's Watermelon Girl. I also like to have things that initially seem to be other things, so I thought it would be fun to make her a 'plastic fruit' artificial plant girl. That enabled me to grow the lore of The Doctoress trying to create artificial beings that duplicated abilities of existing types of lust daemons (in this case plant monster girls). Pêl-V also being a 'fake' plastic fruit is also a nice nod to her weakness – unlike nearly all other lust daemons, she cannot cause the player to come if they're empty.

In terms of game mechanics, that's also a nice fit for the artificial beings faction overall. A lot of them are heavy semen drainers, so I thought it would be good to balance that out with a harlot where to survive the player just needs to be empty (which there is a good chance they will be, if they are following that faction path).

As for her art, the main thing I told Marwmellow was "like MGQ's Watermelon girl, but not as loli" (it causes too many problems for Western eroges). I think he nailed that with her youthful, but not childlike, face.

My initial description was for the big mouth to a jagged line as with the original Watermelon Girl. Instead Marwmellow gave her the comic-book chompers which fit so well – and take her further away from being a direct copy of MGQ's Watermelon Girl – I'll update the description at some point to match.

Overall I think he did a great job with what I feared would be one of the trickier harlots to draw. (Which is probably true for all the Pêls in general, I thought they'd all be quite tricky).

You can find more of his work on DeviantArt here.



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