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Hello, meowsters 💗

I just wanted to put out a quick PSA, because I know there’s a lot of new people who likely aren’t familiar with how to conduct themselves around content creators or with me specifically.

I am a content creator who chooses to play a persona online. Please do not ask me personal questions about who I am outside of my persona. If I share something with you all, that’s my choice because I do love you guys dearly and choose to share the things that may affect you guys and my ability to provide content (i.e. my thyroid cancer, when I’m sick, if I’m going on vacation). However, pressing beyond that is not appropriate or appreciated.

Tacking onto that, I am asking again that my contact methods (email, Patreon DMs, Twitter, etc) be used SOLELY for business purposes as intended. If you’d like to join my community where we can openly chat and joke around or hang out, my discord server is linked in all of my posts and it’s also here: https://discord.gg/9m5b3uhJfs and adding onto that, please understand that just because I have an online persona and presence doesn’t mean that I’m readily available 24/7 for business or otherwise. This is still a job and I do appreciate time off 🤍

I also have noticed an influx of people who have been attempting to be sexual with me, please do understand that if you make an attempt like that— you will be banned. I’m a real person with feelings, not a fictional character. I don’t appreciate being objectified because of the characters I voice in my line of work, please respect that.


Ryan Wood

Seems all too common with asmr artists both sfw and NSFW. People can't differentiate between someone just doing a job, similar to that of a voice actor or just actor in general, and therefore deem them to have no privacy and that they can speak to them like they are the persona they show on videos.


It honestly disgusts me when people can't differentiate between real life and fiction. these are the same people who on twitter try to treat anime girls with human rights


People can be so rude sometimes.


I’m really sorry you have to deal with all of that. I’m not sure why people think it’s ok to treat NSFW content creators like this. I really hope things get better. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help, even if it’s just listening to you vent


Its sad that this isnt common sense to some people


It sucks that you have to keep putting things out like this. I mean, it is a business transaction basically. You offer a goods we enjoy and want, and we are willing to pay for that. Don’t know why others are making it weird and getting sexual towards you. If this is people’s way of “shooting their shot”, they are gonna be labeled a creep and be lonely for a hot minute in their lives.


... they do what.


When ppl get mad at you because you get into character when playing your online games, and you turn out to be a guy, even though you never confirmed the opposite... when ppl start flirting as soon as they see a gamer girl... when ppl get creepy about anything in seconds... when ppl making it weird online and a man can feel ashamed, annoyed and even harassed by his own gender... when ppl give themselves questionable or downright retarded perv names... when ppl take everything for granted... when employers or even normies think they own you just cause they pay you a small fee... when ppl say slavery is bad and still treat others like wares... when you are devastated by the reality of some ppl... when you give a crap... when you hate being a closet perv and ppl parade their degeneracy around like a new car because their dignity died... sigh... I hear you, even if this isn't an audio.