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Apologies for the lack of audios this week, I have had a total of 16 hours of sleep in the last week and have just tested positive for covid AGAIN. I will still be streaming on days where I don’t feel too bad because it brings me joy and during times like this it’s best for me to focus on one thing that brings me joy vs something that will stress me out.

Forgive me.



Wesley Patrick

For a split sec I thought that was a pregnancy test and I was about to congratulate you but then I saw yhe dreaded C word not cunt but the other one. Lol

Michael Robertson

Careful, the reagent used in that test is a deadly poison, that gives off toxic fumes. Spain has announced that the Covid-19 virus is fake, as it is actually a patented bioweapon, not a virus. The bioweapon is in the vaccine.